A Study of the Programs for Promoting Sports & Physical Activity in elementary schools in Tehran A Social Marketing Approach

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The purpose of this study was to promote sport and physical activity programs with a model of the social marketing approach in order to show the current status of the program. The study population included all male and female students of second cycle of elementary public schools in 19 districts of Tehran in the academic year 1393-94 and sample of 1140 students was collected using stratified random sampling. The structured questionnaire with 37 questions. Research data analysis were SPSS and LISREL softwares and had been modeled. Based on the results, in the general education department of Tehran, promotion of physical activities does not have a meaningful relationship with education, culture, public relations. Culture, and culture making that seem to be neglectedpaying attention to policies that are consistent with the use of efficient forces, the establishment of broad social communication with students' families, and increasing their accessibility to facilities and sports college education is one of the most important points that can be to improve the interest of students to work actively.
Journal of Applied Research of Sport Management, Volume:7 Issue: 27, 2019
97 to 111
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