provide A model to reduce the gap between expressive taxable income and diagnostic taxable income

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

Purpose- When there is a discrepancy between accounting profit and taxable profit due to temporary differences, the tax expense or its equivalent effect on profit is recorded as pre-tax profit and they are required to provide an account called an interim allocation. The principle of interim allocation is based on the company calculating and reporting taxes on the same basis as calculating profits. Taxable profit in the current period, which is recognized or reported in the next period, requires the transfer tax expense (if temporary differences in the relevant tax rate are multiplied and then the sum of the amounts is calculated, the transfer tax will be obtained). Profit that is recognized from the perspective of accounting objectives and is reported in the current period but is taxable in the next period requires that the tax expense be reported as accrued and unpaid or unrecorded. In this study, the aim was to develop a model to reduce the gap between declared taxable income and diagnostic taxable income.

Iranian Management Accounting Association, Volume:11 Issue: 44, 2022
411 to 430
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