The evaluation of the internal Relationships of the military union structure of Karim Khan Zand in the Formation of zand dynasty (1160-1176)
Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)
The Military Unions of monarchy various rulers were always a combination of tribal and gunmen groups in various rural and urban areas of the country. Based on characteristics such as kinship or proximity with the ruling clan or the number of personnel warriors, these groups had a central or sub roles in the military unions. Hence, the present research was aimed to respond to this question what political-military relations between the different groups of the Zand Military Union against to Qajar and Afghan military unions led to the rise of Karim Khan Zand power? To answer the question, this study was done using the methods of historical research and classification of the internal relationships in the Zand military union to analyze and interpret these features and their impacts on the sovereignty of Karim Khan (1160-1176). The findings of the research show that the Vand tribes inhabiting pari, Kamazan, gilan and kaverdan areas such as (zand, mafi, Nankolly, jalalvand, behnavi, salarvand and jaff), would play a key role in the coalition of Karim Khan Zand, based on the ethnic connections such as laki accent and consultative command tradition. Due to the relatively lack of personal and tribal interests, Karim Khan could unite in critical circumstances the other tribes and gunmen groups and obtain victory without any loss of military groups.
Historical Study of War, Volume:2 Issue: 4, 2019
95 to 112