The Effectiveness of Selected Kinect Xbox Games on the Physical Structure of Low-Active Students

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (بدون رتبه معتبر)

Structural and stature abnormalities due to inactivity are increasing among students. Therefore, active Kinect Xbox video games, due to their high attractiveness for children, cause learning and motivation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of selected Kinect Xbox games on the body structure of sedentary male students.

Materials and Methods

The statistical population was all fourth and fifth grade male students of Gonbad Kavous primary school who 26 sedentary students aged 10-12 years were selected by available method and were divided into two groups of 13 subjects. One group was engaged in regular school sports activities during the 6-week period and 3 sessions per week of selected Kinect Xbox games, and the other group was involved in regular school sports activities during this period. Investigation and determination of joint angles in dynamic body structure was done by recording in Kinovia software. Data were collected before and after the exercise program.  And data were analyzed via Anova statistical tests in Spss software.  


The results showed that in the dynamic situations of the body, there was a significant difference between the Xbox Kinect group with normal physical activity group in the angle of head position, scapula angle, lumbar angle, and foot pronation (P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in the quadriceps angle (Q) between the two groups.


The results revealed that Xbox Kinect games can be utilized as an effective method to correct physical structure deviations in inactive students.

Health Research Journal, Volume:6 Issue: 2, 2021
147 to 156
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