Knowledge Assessment in Nurses of Baqiyatallah (a.s.) Hospital about AIDS
Findings suggest that, the knowledge level of the nurses about the routes of transmission was moderately low and there were misconceptions at high level. As the nurses is at high risk of occupational transmission of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), we recommend the strategies for AIDS risk reduction and preventing the illness the most important role of the nurses is to focus on education and information for individuals, and communities. In this study, the subjects were 129 female (64.5%) and 71 male (35.5%). The analysis of data showed that the mean ages was 31.16±0.5 years old. The most ferquent literacy was BSc (69.5%). The mean occupational periods was 6.81±0.4 years. Research findings showed moderate knowledge levels were as high or excellent 13.5%, as a good manner 34.5%, moderate manner 43% and weak 9%. The lowest correct response was 1.5%, of precautions and the most correct response was about dental procedure transmission (94%). This cross sectional, descriptive study was conducted with all nurses of Baqiyatallah (a.s.) hospital for the purpose of assessing their knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Data, including demographic data and 33 questions about HIV/AIDS were obtained from the nurses, using a questionnaire. Two haundred subjects were selected by simple randomized method and the percentage, correlation and SPSS12 was used for analysis of data. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease with high morbidity and mortality. Nurses are occupationally at risk of the AIDS and it is important for them to know the ways of transmission, prevention, and control of infection. The purpose of this study was to assess their knowledge about HIV/AIDS.
Journal of Military Medicine, Volume:8 Issue: 2, 2006