Explaining the educational process of Imam Ali to provide a model for the Islamic-Iranian lifestyle

Article Type:
Research/Original Article (دارای رتبه معتبر)

The purpose of this study is to explain the educational process of Imam Ali based on the six educational areas of the fundamental transformation document in order to provide a model for the Islamic-Iranian lifestyle. Because one of the requirements for the realization of the religious community is the formation of the Islamic lifestyle through the presentation and promotion of a variety of life styles acceptable to and consistent with Islamic teachings. Lifestyle, a way of life, a pattern of action, a set of functions, a way of organizing life, behavioral and material preferences, and a pattern of consumption. The method used is qualitative content analysis. Reflects his attention to all dimensions and areas of education (religious, religious, and moral-social, political, biological and physical - economic and professional fields-The aesthetic and artistic sphere is a scientific and technological field. For this reason, as a good, promising, verb, and narrative, it can be a good model for shaping the life style of a society. According to the suggestion of Kaviani and his utilization from Adler's point of view to provide a prescriptive model for the Islamic lifestyle and corresponding to the livelihood tree trunk, one can come up with different dimensions of education, the type of attitude towards being, the attitude towards He portrayed himself and the attitude toward others in shaping the lifestyle of the Imam's teachers based on his education.

Quarterly Journal of Nahjolbalagha, Volume:7 Issue: 28, 2020
39 to 56
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