پیمان جعفری
انواع ریحان به ویژه ریحان بنفش از نظر ویژگی های آنتی اکسیدانی و تامین ویتامین ها موردتوجه پژوهشگران هستند. به منظور انتخاب ژنوتیپ برتر ریحان بنفش از نظر پتانسیل عملکرد و سازگاری با شرایط آب و هوایی منطقه اصفهان، شش ژنوتیپ ریحان (توده های بومی دستگرد، اصفهان و قائم شهر و جمعیت های پیشرفته مازندران، قائم شهر و دستگرد) در دو سال (1395 و 1396) با استفاده از طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در ایستگاه کبوتر آباد مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. تاثیر سال و برهم کنش سال و ژنوتیپ بر صفات موردمطالعه معنی دار نبود اما ژنوتیپ ها از نظر عملکرد و وزن برگ (در سطح 5 درصد) و تعداد برگ (در سطح 1 درصد) تفاوت معنی دار نشان دادند. جمعیت پیشرفته ریحان بنفش دستگرد با عملکرد 22177 کیلوگرم در هکتار وزن تر، نسبت به توده دستگرد، توده قائم شهر و جمعیت پیشرفته ریحان بنفش مازندران افزایش عملکرد معنی دار داشت. وزن برگ ها از 756 گرم در مترمربع (در توده اصفهان) تا 1056 گرم در مترمربع (در جمعیت ریحان بنفش قائم شهر) نوسان داشت. تعداد برگ در هر بوته ی جمعیت ریحان بنفش دستگرد 26 عدد بود که به طور معنی دار بیش از سایر ژنوتیپ ها تشخیص داده شد (به استثناء توده ریحان دستگرد). با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش جمعیت ریحان بنفش دستگرد، توده بومی اصفهان و جمعیت ریحان بنفش قائم شهر از نظر مصرف تازه خوری و ژنوتیپ مازندران از نظر عملکرد ماده خشک و اسانس تولیدی در واحد سطح جزء ژنوتیپ های برتر تشخیص داده شدند.کلید واژگان: اسانس, عملکرد ماده خشک, سطح برگ, چینAbstractDifferent types of basil have attracted the attention of experts due to their antioxidant properties and supply of vitamins. To select the best purple basil genotype in terms of yield potential and adaptation to climatic conditions of the Isfahan region, six basil genotypes (native populations of Dastgerd, Isfahan and Ghaemshahr and advanced populations of Mazandaran, Ghaemshahr and Dastgerd) in two years (2016-2017) evaluated using a randomized complete block design with three replications at Kabootarabad station. The effect of year and the interaction of year and genotype on the studied traits were not significant, but genotypes showed significant differences in terms of leaf yield and weight (at 5% level) and the number of leaves (at 1% level). The advanced population of Dastgerd purple basil with a yield of 22177 kg.ha-1 was significantly higher than the Dastgerd, Ghaemshahr and Mazandaran purple basil populations. The weight of the leaves ranged from 756 g.m-2 (in the Isfahan population) to 1056 g.m-2 (in Ghaemshahr purple basil population). The number of leaves per plant in the Dastgerd purple basil population was 26, and significantly was more than other genotypes (except Dastgerd basil mass). According to the results of this research, for fresh consumption, Dastgerd purple basil population, Isfahan native population and Ghaemshahr purple basil population were more desirable, while Mazandaran genotype was recognized as the superior genotypes with more dry matter yield and essential oil production per unit area.IntroductionBasil (Ocimum basilicum L., 2n = 2x = 48) as a member of the Lamiaceae family has annual and perennial varieties and more than 60 species are cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and South America. Fresh food, medicinal, cosmetic and spice uses for this plant are mentioned and the amount of its essential oil varies from 0.1 to 0.45% depending on the variety, weather conditions and soil. In the comparison of 12 purple and green basil genotypes in Isfahan and Mazandaran provinces, the yield of the second harvest was higher in all genotypes, and in addition, the genotypes in the two regions showed completely different reactions, so that the (Mazandaran 2) genotype in Isfahan region was the lowest (11 t.ha-1) and It produced the highest yield (29.6 t.ha-1) in Mazandaran. Comparing some characteristics of purple and green basil in hydroponic conditions in Ahvaz, it was found that purple basil was superior to green basil in terms of chlorophyll content, carotenoid content and antioxidant capacity. This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the compatibility and selection of the advanced purple basil population in Isfahan province.Materials and MethodsTo select the best purple basil genotype in terms of yield potential and adaptation to climatic conditions of the Isfahan region, six basil genotypes (native populations of Dastgerd, Isfahan and Ghaemshahr and advanced populations of Mazandaran, Ghaemshahr and Dastgerd) in two years (2016-2017) evaluated using a randomized complete block design with three replications at Kabootarabad station. In order to prepare a suitable substrate, land preparation including plowing and two disks perpendicular to each other was done. Chemical fertilizers of urea (150 kg.ha-1), triple superphosphate (100 kg.ha-1) and potassium sulfate (70 kg.ha-1) were used based on the soil test. All the phosphorus and potash needed at the time of planting and nitrogen in divided form, 75 kg in each field at the time of plant activity, 75 kg were given as top dressing fertilizer one month later. To measure the yield, 50 cm from the sides of the plots were considered as margins and the rest of the plot was used to measure the yield. The performance of different harvests was recorded separately for each variety. To measure the final leaf area, eight plants were selected from the middle of each plot before harvesting, and finally, the total average for the total plots was calculated for each genotype. Composite variance analysis of traits was performed with SAS software version 2.9 and the averages were compared with Duncan's multiple range test.Results and DiscussionThe effect of year and the interaction of year and genotype on the studied traits were not significant, but genotypes showed significant differences in terms of leaf yield and weight (at 5% level) and the number of leaves (at 1% level). The advanced population of Dastgerd purple basil with a yield of 22177 kg.ha-1 was significantly higher than the Dastgerd, Ghaemshahr and Mazandaran purple basil populations. The weight of the leaves ranged from 756 g.m-2 (in the Isfahan population) to 1056 g.m-2 (in Ghaemshahr purple basil population). The number of leaves per plant in the Dastgerd purple basil population was 26, and significantly was more than other genotypes (except Dastgerd basil mass). According to the results of this research, for fresh consumption, Dastgerd purple basil population, Isfahan native population and Ghaemshahr purple basil population were more desirable, while Mazandaran genotype was recognized as the superior genotypes with more dry matter yield and essential oil production per unit area.ConclusionThe presence of indigenous masses of crops are considered among the blessings of God in our country. Purple basil is one of the plants that has significant genetic diversity in the country. Results The present study showed that Dastgerd purple basil population along with Ghaemshahr purple basil population and Isfahan purple basil population were significantly superior to the genotypes used in this research with 22177, 18418 and 18397 kg of fresh yield, respectively. The acceptable performance of these genotypes and their compatibility with the weather conditions that have led to the production of four crops during the growing season can support the consumer market well.Keywords: Essential Oil Yield, Dry Matter Yield, Leaf Area, Harvest
نشریه یافته های تحقیقاتی در گیاهان زراعی و باغی، سال دوازدهم شماره 2 (پاییز و زمستان 1402)، صص 213 -235
رقم ذرت چاووش یا سینگل کراس 380 (KSC380) به عنوان یک هیبرید جدید زودرس از تلاقی دو لاین KE76009/312 و K1263/1 تولید شده است. در آزمایش مقدماتی سال 1385 در منطقه کرج، این هیبرید با میانگین عملکرد 11/92 تن در هکتار در گروه هیبریدهای برتر قرار گرفت و در سال 1386 وارد آزمایش نیمه نهایی شد. در این مرحله، هیبرید جدید با میانگین عملکرد دانه 12/18 تن در هکتار در چهار منطقه (کرج، مشهد، شیراز و کرمانشاه) نسبت به رقم شاهد دهقان، 910 کیلوگرم افزایش عملکرد دانه در واحد سطح نشان داد. هیبرید جدید در آزمایش مقایسه ارقام نهایی در هشت منطقه طی دو سال (1394-1393) با تولید عملکرد دانه 11/54 تن در هکتار نسبت به هیبرید شاهد دهقان، برتری 750 کیلوگرمی در هر هکتار نشان داد. این هیبرید با 100 روز طول دوره رشد در مقایسه با رقم شاهد دهقان، نه روز زودرس تر بود. هیبرید چاووش با روش های مختلف برآورد پایداری و شاخص برتری لین و بینز، پایداری عملکرد دانه بالاتری را نشان داد. این هیبرید در آزمایش مقایسه عملکرد سال 1395 در پنج منطقه (کرج، مشهد، اصفهان، شیراز و کرمانشاه) با میانگین 12/28 تن در هکتار برتری عملکرد معادل 1/15 تن در هکتار در مقایسه با رقم شاهد دهقان داشت. در آزمایشات تحقیقی-ترویجی سال 1395 منطقه کرمانشاه هیبرید چاووش و رقم شاهد فجر با هفت تن عملکرد دانه در هکتار، عملکردی مشابه تولید نمودند. اگرچه در آزمایش ترویجی و در شرایط زارع عملکرد این ارقام کمتر از رقم شاهد سینگل کراس 704 با 9/9 تن در هکتار بود، اما برای هیبرید چاووش به طور متوسط 2 تا 3 نوبت آبیاری کمتری انجام شد. لذا برآورد می شود که با استفاده از این رقم میزان صرفه جویی آب آبیاری ذرت در سیستم های آبیاری تحت فشار حدود 800 تا 1200 متر مکعب و در سیستم آبیاری سنتی حدود 1600 تا 2400 متر مکعب در هکتار باشد. به طور کلی هیبرید چاووش با توجه به فصل رشد کوتاهتر، مصرف آب کمتر و عملکرد مناسب علاوه بر اینکه برای کاشت بهاره در منطقه معتدل و معتدل سرد مناسب است برای کاشت تابستانه منطقه معتدل نیز توصیه می شود.
کلید واژگان: ذرت, زودرسی, سینگل کراس 380, عملکرد دانهMaize cultivar Chavoosh or single cross 380 (SC380) as a new early-maturing hybrid is produced from the crossing between KE76009/312 and K1263/1 maize inbred lines. In the preliminary yield trial, the new hybrid with 11.92 tha-1 grain yield in Karaj region in 2006 was included in the group of superior hybrids and was selected for studying in the next step in the semi-final yield trial in 2007. At this stage, the grain yield mean of the new hybrid in four regions (Karaj, Mashhad, Shiraz, and Kermanshah) was 12.18 tons per hectare that showed 910 kg per hectare increase in grain yield compared to the control cultivar Dehghan. The average grain yield of new hybrids in eight regions during 2014 and 2015 was 11.54 tons per hectare in the final stage experiment and showed the superiority of 750 kg compared to the control cultivar Dehghan. This superiority became more apparent because the new hybrid had 100 days growth period and was nine days earlier than the control hybrid Dehghan. The promising new hybrid also showed higher grain yield stability using GGE-biplot stability methods and Lin and Binns index. This new hybrid with an average grain yield of 12.28 tons per hectare showed a yield superiority of 1.15 tons per hectare compared to the control cultivar Dehghan in the yield trial in five regions (Karaj, Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz, and Kermanshah) in 2016. In the research-extension experiments in the Kermanshah region in 2016, the new cultivar (Chavoosh) and control cultivar Fajr produced similar grain yield (7 tons per hectare) that was lower than the control cultivar single cross 704, but for early-maturing hybrid Chaavosh less irrigation (in average, 2 to 3 times) was done. Therefore, it is estimated that using Chaavosh hybrid under pressurized irrigation systems can save about 800 to 1200 cubic meters, and under traditional irrigation systems can save about 1600 to 2400 cubic meters of water per hectare. In general, Chaavosh hybrid is recommended for spring planting in temperate and cold temperate regions due to its shorter growing period, lower water consumption and also its good grain yield. It is also recommended for summer planting in temperate regions.
Keywords: Maize, Early-Maturing, Single Cross 380, Yield -
به منظور مقایسه عملکرد، اجزای عملکرد و برخی ویژگی های مورفوفیزیولوژیک هیبریدهای خیار گلخانه ای تولید شده در داخل کشور پژوهشی در سال 1401 در شرایط گلخانه در شهرستان ورامین انجام شد. در این پژوهش 11 هیبرید خیار گلخانه ای به همراه 4 هیبرید وارداتی به عنوان شاهد در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با سه تکرار مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند. تفاوت هیبریدهای آزمایشی از نظر صفات عملکرد، طول میوه، قطر میوه، طول برگ، عرض برگ، ارتفاع بوته، طول میان گره، تعداد میوه در بوته و وزن میوه در هر بوته در سطح یک درصد از نظر آماری معنی دار بود. براساس نتایج به دست آمده هیبرید IR4 (با نام تجاری سنم) با عملکرد کل 49/11 کیلوگرم در هر بوته نسبت به میانگین عملکرد سایر هیبریدها، 8/32 درصد عملکرد بیشتر تولید نمود اما تفاوت معنی داری بین این هیبرید و هیبرید IR5 با عملکرد 61/10 کیلوگرم در متر مربع وجود نداشت. در دو هیبرید (IR4) و (IR5) به ترتیب 6/24 و 9/22 درصد از کل عملکرد تولیدی مربوط به 10 چین مرحله دوم برداشت بود. هیبریدهای (IR11) و (IR6) به ترتیب با طول میوه 60/16 سانتی متر و 12/11 سانتی متر بیشترین و کمترین طول میوه را داشتند. شاخص شکل میوه (نسبت طول میوه به قطر) در هیبرید (IR11) نسبت به هیبریدهای (IR4) و (IR5) به ترتیب 27 و 19 درصد بیشتر بود. برتری عملکردی دو هیبرید آزمایشی (IR4) و (IR5) و برابری عملکرد 7 هیبرید آزمایشی دیگر (از 11 هیبرید مطالعه شده) در مقایسه با هیبریدهای شاهد می تواند نویدبخش تولید ارقام هیبرید خیار گلخانه ای توسط شرکت های داخل کشور باشد.
کلید واژگان: تعداد میوه در بوته, رنگ میوه, شکل میوه, قطر میوهIntroductionCucumis sativus L. (2n=2x=14) originates from the south of the Himalayan mountains and has at least 3000 years of history of cultivation in India. According to the latest statistics published by the Ministry of Agriculture, about 75% of greenhouse production belongs to greenhouse cucumbers. This plant, with a cultivated area of 7539 ha-1 and a production amounting to 1923865 t year-1, is considered one of the most important vegetable and summer greenhouse products in the country. Cucumber varieties should have characteristics such as high yield, quality of taste, shelf life and resistance to diseases. Based on this, modified cultivars and imported cultivars must pass compatibility tests in order to be able to enter commercial fields. Recent research in Japan shows that by creating suitable conditions for various factors in the greenhouse (light distribution, temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, irrigation, nutrition and pruning), the yield of greenhouse cucumbers can be up to 40 kg m-2 year-1 year. The difference between different varieties of cucumber is primarily due to characteristics such as the number of fruits per plant, fruit size (fruit length and length-to-diameter ratio) and fruit surface characteristics (the presence of grooves, surface smoothness, and fruit color). The number of cucumbers per plant is one of the most important yield components. The study of 9 varieties of cucumbers in greenhouse conditions showed that the range of changes in the number of cucumbers per plant varied from 19 to 54.3, and Khasib variety had the highest yield with the production of 14.9 kg of fresh weight per square meter.
Material and MethodsIn order to compare the yield, yield components and some morpho-physiological characteristics of greenhouse cucumber hybrids produced in the country, a research was conducted in 2022 under greenhouse conditions in Varamin city. In this research, 11 greenhouse cucumber hybrids along with 4 regional control cultivars were evaluated in a completely randomized block design with three replications. The initial tillage including plowing, disc and soil disinfection was done through sunning the soil. The width of the seed planting bed was considered to be 70 cm in order to provide the possibility of two-row cultivation. The width of the corridors was considered to be 80 cm in order to provide proper ventilation and access of workers to the bushes for operations and harvest during the period. The drip irrigation system was chosen so that one tape strip could be used for each row of crops. The plant needed fertilizer during the growth period and was determined based on the soil test and provided to the plant through the irrigation system. Fruit yield for different harvests (once every 10 harvests) and total fresh fruit yield based on the total area of the plot (after removing the margins) and traits such as plant height (meters), internode length (cm), leaf length (cm), Leaf width (cm), petiole length (cm), fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (mm), number of fruits per plant and fruit weight per plant (grams) based on the selection of 10 plants per plot was taken. The fruit shape index was obtained from the ratio of the length to the diameter of the fruit. For the experimental hybrids, after harvest fruit color was determined by grouping (light green to green), (green), (green to dark green) and dark green.
Results and DiscussionBased on the obtained results, the hybrid (IR4) with a total fresh fruit yield of 11.49 kg m-2 had a significantly higher performance than other hybrids, but there is not a significant difference between this hybrid and the hybrid (IR5) with a fruit weight of 10.61 kg m-2. 10 harvested stages for two hybrids (IR4) and (IR5) constituted 24.6 and 22.9% of the total yield, respectively. The hybrids (IR11) and (IR6) had the longest and shortest fruit length with 16.60 cm and 11.12 cm, respectively. The fruit shape index (the ratio of fruit length to diameter) in hybrid (IR11) had the highest value (6.35). The hybrids (IR4) and (IR5) that produced the highest yields per hectare had the highest number of fruits plant-1 with 108.72 and 84.22 cucumbers plant-1, respectively. The presence of this number of fruits is one of the important factors for producing high yields in these two hybrids, and the number of fruits in the rest of the hybrids is often in the range of 50 to 70 cucumbers per plant. Although in some studies the number of 135 fruits plant-1 is also mentioned for greenhouse cucumbers, but in most cases this number is less than 50. The color of the fruit is also an important quality attribute that is very important in the cucumber market. This trait varies from light green to dark green. Hybrid (IR9) dark green, hybrids (IR2), (IR6), (IR13) (IR15) dark green to green, hybrids (IR1), (IR3), (IR4), (IR5), (IR12) and (IR14) was green and hybrids (IR7), (IR8), (IR10) and (IR11) had light green to green color. The superior performance of two experimental hybrids and the equal performance of 7 other experimental hybrids (out of 11 studied hybrids) compared to the control hybrids can be a good promise for the production of greenhouse cucumber hybrid varieties by domestic companies.
Keywords: Fruit color, Fruit Diameter, Fruit shape, Number of fruits per plant -
به منظور ارزیابی عملکرد و اجزاء عملکرد جمعیت پیشرفته حاصل از انجام تلاقی و گزینش دوره ای در دو جمعیت پایه طالبی سمسوری و خربزه سوسکی زرد و مقایسه آن با دو رقم طالبی (سمسوری و شاه آبادی) و دو رقم خربزه (سوسکی زرد و جاجو) در سه منطقه ورامین، اصفهان و گلستان، پژوهشی دوساله (1398-1397) با استفاده از طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با 3 تکرار انجام شد. تاثیر منطقه بر صفات عملکرد، تعداد میوه و درصد مواد جامد محلول میوه در سطح یک درصد معنی دار بود. برهمکنش ژنوتیپ و مکان بر صفات تعداد میوه و ضایعات میوه در سطح یک درصد ازنظر آماری معنی دار بود. تجزیه مرکب داده ها نشان داد عملکرد و تعداد میوه در بوته در جمعیت دو رگ به ترتیب برابر 20/16 تن در هکتار و 34/2 عدد بود که با عملکرد و تعداد میوه در بوته طالبی سمسوری (32/15 تن و 07/2 عدد) تفاوت معنی داری نداشت. درصد ضایعات میوه میوه دو رگ تولیدشده پس از 6 و 9 روز نگهداری به ترتیب 3/3 و 5/10 درصد بود که به طور معنی دار کمتر از درصد ضایعات میوه طالبی سمسوری و شاه آبادی و همچنین خربزه جاجو بود. دو رگ حاصل از تلاقی طالبی و خربزه، ازنظر ویژگی های مهمی مثل عملکرد و تعداد میوه با جمعیت هایی مثل طالبی سمسوری برابری می کند و حتی در برخی از صفات مثل درصد مواد جامد محلول (58/10) از آن برتر است بنابراین می تواند پس از آزمایش های تکمیلی به عنوان یک رقم معرفی شود.
کلید واژگان: قطر گوشت میوه, درصد مواد جامد محلول, کاهش وزن میوهIn this experiment, an advanced population obtained by crossing and periodic self-selection in the two populations of cantaloupe (Samsouri and Yellow Beetle Melon), with three cantaloupe (Samsouri, Zamche and Shahabadi) and Muskmelon Yellow Beetle cultivars, in three province of Tehran, Isfahan and Golestan for quantitative and qualitative evaluation were compared. The area was moldboard-plowed and disked before planting. The experiment was conducted as a randomized complete block design with three replications. Each plot was planted two lines at intervals of 3 m and a length of 15 meters and planting depth was 2-3 cm. Irrigation was conducted based depletion of 50 percent of moisture in rooting depth. Cantaloupe and muskmelon seeds populations used in the experiment were prepared of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran. Number of fruits per plant, single fruit weight, fruit skin thickness were measured by randomly selecting 10 fruits from each plot. The fresh yield was determined by harvesting surface equivalent to five square meters of each plot. Fruit sugar content was also measured randomly on 10 fruits from each plot by a refractometer. The firmness and shelf life of the fruits were evaluated based on the degree of spoilage of 20 fruits in two 6-day and 9-day periods under normal conditions. Percentage of rotten fruit was recorded in each period. The data were subjected to combined analysis of variance by SAS and means Fisher’s Protected LSD (5%) was used for mean separation.The effect of year on experimental traits was not statistically significant, but the effect of area on yield traits, number of fruits and percentage of fruit brix was significant at 1% level. The effect of genotype on all experimental traits was also significant at 1% level (except for fruit brix at 5%). Yield was significantly higher in Varamin and Isfahan than in Gorgan. The amount of this increase in Varamin and Isfahan compared to Gorgan was 41.6% and 34.2%, respectively. One of the main reasons for this increase was the higher number of fruits per plant. Differences in yield of cantaloupe genotypes in different regions may sometimes range from 10 to 76 t ha-1. Yield and number of fruits per plant of hybrid population were 16.20 t ha-1 and 2.34 number, respectively, which was not significantly different from Semsuri cantaloupe, but was significantly higher than other experimental populations. The fruit weight of hybrid populations (1.09 kg) was similar to Semsuri cantaloupe but was less than that of Muskmelon yellow beetle (1.83 kg) and Jaju populations (1.95 kg). In the United States, Brix 9 is considered good and Brix 11 is very good for cantaloupes but Brix is less than 10 for less attractive customers. The diameter of the ovarian cavity in the hybrid population was 6.76 cm, which was 32, 14.7 and 36% smaller than the populations of Shahabadi, Muskmelon yellow beetle and Jaju, respectively. In terms of fruit diameter, hybrid populations with 30.85 mm fruit diameter had a higher diameter than Semsuri population (28.78 mm) and a smaller diameter than Shahabadi population (37.94 mm). Percentage of fruit waste produced after 6 and 9 days was 3.3% and 10.5%, respectively, which was significantly lower than Semsuri and Shahabadi and Jaju melons but similar to beetle muskmelons. The hybrid population was similar with Semsuri population in number to fruit per plant, but in terms of percentage of Brix (fruit sugar) is closer to beetle Muskmelon, and most important after fruit harvesting shelf-life was similar to beetle Muskmelon and much higher than to semsuri.
Keywords: Diameter of flesh fruit, Solids soluble percentage, Fruit weight loss -
یکی از روش های دقیق اندازه گیری پارامترهای آیرودینامیکی، روش پرواز آزاد مدل در آزمایشگاه های آیروبالستیک می باشد. در این روش می توان مواردی از قبیل آزمایش مدل ها در محدوده وسیعی از سرعت های پروازی مادون، حدود، مافوق و ماوراء صوت، آزمایش مدل ها در ابعاد میلی متر تا آزمایش آن ها در ابعاد حدود متر، اندازه گیری پارامترهای مربوط به مسیر حرکت و پارامترهای آیرودینامیک و آیروالاستیک، بررسی عملکرد سامانه های کنترل وسیله طراحی شده، آزمایش تحمل دمایی مواد، بررسی تحمل سازه، بررسی مسایل برخورد با سرعت های بسیار بالا و بررسی مسایل بازگشت به جو زمین را بررسی نمود. در این آزمایشگاه ایستگاه هایی برای اندازه گیری داده های پروازی مدل در فواصل معین قرار گرفته است که با روش هایی از قبیل تصویربرداری و تله متری داده ها استخراج می شود. مسئله مطرح ارایه یک مدل ریاضی مناسب و با خطای کم به منظور استخراج ضرایب آیرودینامیکی از داده های خام اندازه گیری شده با توجه به تعداد ایستگاه های اندازه گیری و فواصل آن ها می باشد. لذا در این کار یک بررسی اجمالی استخراج ضرایب آیرودینامیکی در آزمایش آیروبالستیک برای استفاده از داده های تصویربرداری انجام شده و به عنوان یک ابزار و روش این کار ارایه گردیده است. با توجه به نتایج ارایه شده می توان گفت که استخراج ضرایب استاتیکی و دینامیکی مستقل از هم نیست و باید به طور هم زمان محاسبه شوند. در صورتی که ضرایب دینامیکی مقدار قابل توجهی داشته باشند نمی توان از آنها صرف نظر کرد. دقت مورد نیاز اندازه گیری در حالتی که ضرایب دینامیکی باعث استهلاک نوسانات شده اند، با 20 ایستگاه حدود 0.1 درجه است؛ در حالی که با 10 ایستگاه دقت 0.10 درجه کفایت نمی کند و دقت بالاتر از آن نیاز است.کلید واژگان: آزمایش آیروبالستیک, پرتابه مافوق صوت, ضرایب آیرودینامیکی, پرواز آزاد مدلThe precise method for aerodynamic parameters measurement in aeroballistics labs, is the free flight method. It can be used to test different models at a wide range of flight speeds including subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic speeds, and in the millimetric to metric range dimensions. It can be utilized to measure the path-equation related parameters and the aerodynamic and aeroelastic parameters. Moreover, it has the capability for checking the performance of designed control systems, testing material temperature tolerance, testing structural strength and addressing high-speed collision and re-entry problems. In this lab, stations for measuring flight model data are located at certain distances that extract data using imaging and telemetry techniques. The main goal is to provide a suitable mathematical model with precise accuracy in order to extract aerodynamic coefficients from raw data measured according to the number of measurement stations and their intervals. Therefore, for the purpose of using imaging data, an overview of aerodynamic coefficients extraction in the aeroballistics test is carried out. The results show that static and dynamic coefficients are not independent in extraction and should be calculated simultaneously. Dynamic coefficients cannot be ignored if the magnitudes are significant. The measurement accuracy required when the dynamic coefficients cause the damping of the oscillations is about 0.1 degree with 20 stations, while the accuracy of 0.1 degree with 10 stations is inadequate and higher than that is required.Keywords: Aeroballistics Test, Supersonic projectile, Aerodynamic Coefficients, Model free flight
طی یک آزمایش مزرعه ای دو ساله، اثر کاربرد توام کود دامی و عناصر کم مصرف آهن، روی و بور بر خصوصیات کمی و کیفی طالبی رقم سمسوری در یک خاک آهکی مطالعه شد. کاربرد کود دامی و عناصر کم مصرف موجب افزایش عملکرد، اجزای عملکرد و درصد مواد جامد محلول طالبی گردید. بیشترین عملکرد طالبی به میزان 9/43 تن در هکتار و بیشترین میانگین تعداد میوه در بوته طالبی به تعداد 45/4 عدد در بوته از کاربرد 40 تن در هکتار کود دامی و برگ پاشی توام آهن، روی و بور به دست آمد که به ترتیب 36 و 41 درصد نسبت به تیمار شاهد افزایش داشتند. همچنین درصد مواد جامد محلول با کاربرد کود دامی و برگ پاشی عناصر کم مصرف، به ویژه بور افزایش یافت. بیشترین میانگین درصد مواد جامد محلول (قند) طالبی به مقدار 9 درصد از مصرف 40 تن در هکتار کود دامی و برگپاشی توام آهن، روی و بور به دست آمد که 49 درصد نسبت به تیمار شاهد افزایش داشت. همبستگی معنی داری بین درصد مواد جامد محلول میوه با غلظت بور برگ طالبی وجود داشت که معادله این مدل رگرسیونی از مدل خطی پیروی می کرد.
کلید واژگان: آهن, برگ پاشی, بور, رویIn a two-year field experiment, the effects of combined application of manure and trace elements of iron, zinc and boron on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of cantaloupe cultivar Semsouri in a calcareous soil was studied. Application of manure and trace elements increased yield, yield components and TSS (Total soluble solids). The highest cantaloupe yield(43.9 tons per hectare) and the highest average number of fruits per cantaloupe plant (4.45) were obtained from the application of 40 tons per hectare of manure and foliar application of iron, zinc and boron that increased 36 and 41% compared to the control treatment, respectively. Also, the percentage of TSS increased with the application of manure and foliar application of microelements, especially boron. The highest TSS (sugar) of cantaloupe was obtained at 9% from the application of 40 tons per hectare of manure and foliar application of iron, zinc and boron, which was 49% more than the control treatment. Data indicated that there was a significant correlation between the percentage of soluble solids in fruit and the concentration of cantaloupe leaf boron that the equation of this regression model followed the linear model.
Keywords: Boron, Foliar application, iron, Melon, zinc -
وجود ویتامین های مفید و کالری کم در میوه بادمجان آن را به گیاهی مورد توجه در علم تغذیه تبدیل کرده است. به منظور بررسی تاثیر هرس بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد بادمجان رقم ’بلن‘ مطالعه ای گلخانه ای در سال 1397 و 1398 در شهرستان ورامین انجام شد. آزمایش به صورت تجزیه مرکب بر پایه طرح بلوک کامل تصادفی انجام شد. سه روش هرس بوته (دوشاخه ای، سه شاخه ای و چهار شاخه ای) تیمارهای این پژوهش را تشکیل می دادند. تاثیر تیمارهای هرس بر صفات عملکرد، تعداد میوه در چهار چین اول و شاخص زودرسی در سطح 5 درصد و بر عملکرد کل، تعداد کل میوه و تعداد میوه در بوته نیز در سطح یک درصد از نظر آماری معنی دار بود. تیمار هرس دوشاخه با تولید 5/33 تن در هکتار بادمجان در چهار چین اول، نسبت به دو تیمار هرس سه و چهار شاخه 21/1 و 20/3 درصد عملکرد بیشتر تولید نمود. این برتری هرس دوشاخه عمدتا به دلیل افزایش تعداد میوه ی این نوع هرس بود. شاخص زودرسی در هرس دو، سه و چهار شاخه به ترتیب برابر 12/21، 9/5 و 8/83 درصد بود. عملکرد کل در سه تیمار هرس دو، سه و چهار شاخه به ترتیب برابر 44/45، 46/67 و 49/87 تن در هکتار بود. اثر سال برای هیچکدام از صفات معنی دار نشد. نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد در صورتی که هدف تولید محصول زودرس بادمجان باشد استفاده از شیوه ی هرس دوشاخه ای و در صورتی که هدف عملکرد کل بیشتری باشد هرس چهار شاخه ای برای رقم ’بلن‘ مورد نظر قابل توصیه است.
کلید واژگان: تعداد میوه, زودرسی, شاخه, هرسIntroductionEggplant (Solanum melongena) is a diploid plant (2n= 24). Eggplant cultivated as perennial in the tropics regions and grown as an annual in temperate areas According to the statistics of FAO, the area under eggplant cultivation in Iran were about to 21.3 thousand hectares, with an average yield of 31.4 tons per hectare. Eggplants grow into large plants that causes too much plant canopy, so pruning the plant is a good way to reduce the number of branches, leaves and to increase fruit set. Normally, pruning is not done on the eggplant plant and only 2 plants per square meter could be grown in the field and also greenhouse conditions. However, pruning operations should be performed in greenhouse conditions and plants might be kept with 2 to 4 branches. A study was conducted to evaluate the best method of eggplant pruning in greenhouse conditions in the Netherlands and the plants were pruned into one or two branches. Plants were pruned again from the second branch in different cases including the first, third, sixth and ninth nodes. The results showed that severe pruning had a positive effect on plant conditions and fruitset was better in heavily pruned plants.
Material and MethodsThis experiment was conducted in 2018 and 2019 in greenhouse conditions in Varamin city. This area located 40 km from Tehran with an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level, an area of approximately 1500 square kilometers, longitude 50 degrees and 51 minutes, latitude 19 degrees and 35 minutes and the amount of first and second-degree agricultural lands 75 thousand Hectares. The average long-term annual rainfall is 120 mm, and the prevailing wind direction is southeast to northwest. The combined analysis based on a randomized complete block design experiment with three replications conducted and the treatments included three methods of plant pruning (two-branch, three-branch and four-branch). The seeds of Bellen variety planted in culture trays containing enriched peat moss and placed in an environment with a temperature of approximately 27 °C and relative humidity of 80%. After germination of seeds, the ambient temperature decreased to 24 °C during the day and 18 °C during the night. After the seedlings reached 3-4 leaves, they transferred to the main greenhouse. Pruning and guiding the plant on the scaffolding began with the first flower appearing on the meristem axis. All the male branches removed before the mentioned flower and the sub-branches branching from the main axis were allowed to grow above the first flower position. After data collection, data analyzed by SAS software and the means compared by Duncan test.
Results and DiscussionThe effect of year on yield and yield components of eggplant were not statistically significant (Duncan 5%). Effect of pruning treatments on yield components, number of fruits in the first cut and early maturity index at 5% level and on total yield, the total number of fruits and number of fruits per plant were also statistically significant at 1% level. Two-branch and four-branch pruning treatments were statistically superior to three-branch pruning treatments, but considering the yield in the first four harvests, two-branch pruning treatment with the production of 5.33 t ha-1, compared to two three-pruning treatments and four branches showed a significant increase. Earliness index of plants that pruning in two, three and four plant branches were 12.21, 9.5 and 8.83%, respectively. The total yield in three pruning treatments of two, three and four branches were 44.45, 46.67 and 49.87 t ha-1, respectively. The results showed that branch pruning had positive effects on eggplant yield and based on the purpose of the research, including early crop production or higher total performance, the type of pruning will be different. Examination of the correlation coefficients of the traits measured in the experiment also showed that the relationship between pruning (branch removal) and yield in both totals (0.69*) and the first four harvests (0.80**) was significant. The correlation between the number of branches and eggplant yield has reported in some other studies nevertheless in some studies has not the different relationship between performance and number of plant branches. In reviewing the performance and diversity of morphological traits of some local varieties of Iranian eggplant relationship between fruit yield and number of fruits per plant were positive and significant.
Keywords: Early maturity, Branch, Number of fruits, Pruning -
هدف از اجرای این طرح، نهادینه نمودن قانون پوشش و اخلاق حرفه ای در ذهن و رفتار دانشجویان و پرهیز از برخوردهای قهری و انضباطی و تعیین میزان رضایت دانشجویان از فرآیند مشاوره فرهنگی بود.
مواد و روش هاشورایی متشکل از معاون آموزشی، معاون فرهنگی و دانشجویی دانشگاه و دبیر ستاد صیانت دانشگاه، اقدام به تدوین آیین نامه فرآیند فرهنگی پوشش و اخلاق حرفه ای دانشجویان نمود. دانشجویان ناقض آییننامه، در بازه زمانی یک ماهه، وارد فرآیند شدند. پرسشنامه ای محقق ساخته برای ارزیابی دیدگاه دانشجویان از این فرآیند تدوین شد. جامعه آماری، دانشجویان ناقضین آیین نامه و تعدادی از دانشجویان غیر ناقض آیین نامه اخلاق حرفه ای در دانشکده ها بودند. داده ها در نرم افزار spss19 وارد و مورد تحلیل قرار گرفت.
یافته هانشان از تاثیر مناسب فرآیند بر کاهش آمار دانشجویان معرفی شده به شورای انضباطی و احکام صادره و رضایت مندی بیش از 80 درصدی دانشجویان از این فرآیند را داشت.
نتیجه گیریاجرای این فرآیند در بین دانشجویان ناقض آیین نامه اخلاق حرفه ای در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شیراز موجب کاهش آمار احکام صادره در شورای انضباطی، اثرگذاری رفتاری و عملکردی و همچنین رضایتمندی بیشتر دانشجویان گردید. به کارگیری این فرآیند در سایر موسسات آموزش عالی توصیه می گردد.
کلید واژگان: اخلاق حرفه ای, کد پوشش, مشاوره فرهنگی, دانشجو, شورای انضباطیPurposeThe purpose of this project was to institutionalize the law of professional dress and ethics in the minds and behaviors of students and to avoid coercive and disciplinary confrontations and to determine the degree of students' satisfaction with the cultural counseling process.
Materials and MethodsA council consisting of the Vice Chancellor for Education, the Vice Chancellor for Culture and Student Affairs of the University and the Secretary of the University Protection Staff, drafted the regulations for the cultural process of covering and professional ethics of students. Students who violated the regulations entered the process within a period of one month. A researcher-made questionnaire was developed to assess students' views on this process. The statistical population was students who violated the regulations and a number of students who did not violate the rules of professional ethics in the colleges. Data were entered and analyzed in SPSS19 software.
FindingsIt showed the appropriate effect of the process on reducing the number of students introduced to the Disciplinary Council and the rulings issued and the satisfaction of more than 80% of students with this process.
ConclusionThe implementation of this process among students violating the code of professional ethics at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences reduced the number of rulings issued by the Disciplinary Council, behavioral and functional effectiveness, as well as greater student satisfaction. The use of this process in other institutions of higher education is recommended.
Keywords: Professional morals, Dress Code, Cultural Consultant, Student, Disciplinary Council -
به منظور بررسی ویژگی های جوانه زنی و رشد گیاه چه سه توده طالبی (سمسوری ورامین، تیل سبز مشهد و مگسی نیشابور) در سطوح مختلف شوری (3، 5، 7، 9 و 11 دسی زیمنس بر متر) پژوهشی در سال 1391 در مرکز تحقیقات کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی ورامین انجام شد. در هر دو مرحله (جوانه زنی و رشد گیاه چه) از آزمایش فاکتوریل بر اساس طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار استفاده شد. سه توده طالبی ازنظر ویژگی های جوانه زنی (طول ریشه چه و ساقه چه، سرعت جوانه زنی و وزن تر اولیه) و همچنین رشد گیاه چه (ارتفاع گیاه، سطح برگ و وزن تر) تفاوت معنی داری داشتند. تاثیر تیمارهای شوری بر ویژگی های جوانه زنی و رشد گیاه چه معنی دار بود اما برهمکنش تیمار شوری و توده طالبی بر صفات آزمایشی معنی دار نبود. در مرحله جوانه زنی، سمسوری ورامین با شاخص تحمل به شوری 86 درصد نسبت به دو توده دیگر برتری معنی دار داشت. با افزایش هر واحد شوری از 3 تا 11 دسی زیمنس بر متر وزن تر گیاه چه اولیه (در مرحله جوانه زنی) 7 درصد کاهش یافت. در هر سه مرحله اندازه گیری سطح برگ در مرحله رشد اولیه، با افزایش سطوح شوری سطح برک گیاه چه به طور خطی کاهش یافت. با توجه به نتایج افزایش شوری بیش از 3 دسی زیمنس بر متر موجب کاهش سرعت جوانه زنی و وزن گیاه چه طالبی شده و بنابراین برای داشتن استقرار اولیه و فاصله زمانی مناسب سبز شدن نبایست شوری های آب آبیاری بیش از 3 دسی زیمنس بر متر باشد.
کلید واژگان: ساقه چه, سرعت جوانه زنی, شاخص تحمل به شوری, ریشه چهIn order to study the germination and seedling growth characteristics of three cantaloupe populations (Semsuri Varamin, Magase Neishabur and Green tile of Mashhad) at different salinity levels (3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 dS m-1 ), a factorial experiment was conducted based on a randomized complete blocks design with three replications in 2012 at Varamin Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center. Results showed that three cantaloupe populations were significantly different in germination characteristics (radicle and plumule length, germination rate and fresh weight), as well as seedling growth (plant height, leaf area and fresh weight). The effect of salinity treatments on germination and seedling growth was significant, but the effect of salinity treatment and populations interactions was not significant. In germination stage, salinity tolerance index of Varamin (86%) had significant superiority to the other populations. In 3 to 11 dS m-1 salinity, fresh seedling weight decreased proportionally to salinity level by 7%. With increasing salinity levels, seedling leaf area decreased linearly. According to the results, increasing salinity more than 3 dS m-1 reduced germination rate and seedling weight of cantaloupe and therefore salinity of irrigation water should not be exceed 3 dS m-1 for proper establishment and acceptable emergence.
Keywords: Germination rate, plumule, radicle, salinity tolerance index -
یکی از مهمترین سبزیجات برگی سبز، اسفناج(Spinacia oleracea L.) است. صفات کیفی و کمی اسفناج بستگی به شرایط آب و هوایی محل رویش دارد. غربالگری توده های خارجی در مقایسه با توده های ایرانی ضروری است. به منظور مطالعه خصوصیات رویشی 44 توده بومی و خارجی اسفناج، آزمایشی در قالب طرح بلوک کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار و 18 مشاهده در شرایط کشت بهاره پایه ریزی شد. پارامترهای کمی و کیفی اسفناج براساس توصیف های تعریف شده توسط موسسه بین المللی تنوع زیستی گیاهی ارزیابی شد. به طورکلی شدت رنگ سبز در برگ های توده های خارجی بیشتر از اسفناج های بومی بود. در این تحقیق، بیشترین عملکرد متعلق به توده “Viroflay” به میزان 224/71 تن در هکتار و در میان گونه های ایران توده ورامین 88 به میزان 6/52 تن در هکتار بالاترین عملکرد را داشت. حداقل و حداکثر عملکرد از 71224 تا 8870 (کیلوگرم در هکتار) متعلق به گونه های “Viroflay” و Virginia Savoy blight بود. توده ی“D’inveno” طولانی ترین دوره رشد کشت بهاره را (66/89 روز) نشان داد و در میان توده های ایرانی، همدان 2 (77 روز)، ورامین 88 (72 روز) و ورامین خاردار (66/69 روز) به ترتیب طولانی ترین دوره ی رشد در شرایط محیطی اصفهان را نشان دادند. بالاترین درصد گیاهان ماده در توده ی “Monatol” مشاهده شد. در میان گونه های اندمیک، لرستان 5 بیشترین درصد گیاه ماده را نشان داد. نتایج حاصل از این مطالعه نشان داد که گونه های ایرانی مانند کاشان، لرستان 6 و ورامین پیشرفته خاردار برای برداشت های مکانیکی به دلیل فرم گیاه، برگ و دمبرگ مناسب هستند و می توانند برای اهداف باغبانی و اصلاحی مورد استفاده قرار گیرند. با توجه به تجزیه و تحلیل خوشه ای، توده های این مطالعه به دو دسته بزرگ 1 و 2تقسیم شدند که توده ورامین 88 در کنار سایر توده های مطلوب خارجی در خوشه ی 1قرار گرفته است.
کلید واژگان: ارزیابی مورفولوژیکی, “Viroflay”, صلاح, عملکردSpinach is one of the most important green leafy vegetables (Spinacia oleracea L.). The qualitative and quantitative trait of the spinach depends on the weather conditions. Screening the foreign accession compare with Iranian ones is necessary for breeding purposes. In order to study the vegetative characteristics of 44 endemic and foreign accessions, an experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications and 18 observations in spring, 2018. Quantitative and qualitative parameters of spinach evaluated based on descriptors investigated by Bioversity International Plant Genetic Resources Institute. In general, the intensity of the green color in the leaf of foreign accessions was higher than of endemic spinach. In this study, the highest yield belonged to “Viroflay” (71.224 ton/ha) among foreign accessions and, “Varamin88” (52.6 ton/ha) among Iranian's accessions had the highest performance. Minimum and maximum yields from 71224 to 8870 (kg/ha) belonged to accessions “Viroflay” and “Virginia savoy blight”. “D’inverno” accession showed the longest period of spring growth (89.66 days) and among the Iranian accession, “Hamadan2” (77 days), “Varamin88” (72 days) and “Varamin Prickly” (69.66 days) showed the longest growth in Isfahan environmental conditions respectively. The highest percentage of female plants was observed in “Monatol” accession. Among the endemic accessions, “Lorestan5” showed the highest female plant percentage. The results of this study showed that Iranian's accessions such as “Kashan”, “Lorestan6” and “Varamin Advanced Prickly” are suitable for mechanical harvesting due to their plant form, leaf and petiole attitude and can be used for plant breeding purposes. According to the cluster analysis, the accessions in this study were divided into two large groups (I, II), which the “Varamin88” placed beside the foreign outstanding accession in cluster I.
Keywords: Morphologic assessment, Viroflay, Breeding, Yield -
به منظور بررسی عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد سه توده طالبی (سمسوری ورامین، تیل سبز مشهد و مگسی نیشابور) در سطوح مختلف شوری (2 و 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر) پژوهشی در سال 1391 در مرکز تحقیقات کشاورزی ورامین انجام شد. در این پژوهش طرح کرتهای خرد شده بر اساس طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار استفاده شد و دو سطح شوری کرت های اصلی و سه توده طالبی کرت های فرعی را تشکیل دادند. اثر برهمکنش شوری و ژنوتیپ بر صفت طول میوه (در سطح یک درصد) و بر صفات ضخامت حفره بذر، درصد مواد جامد محلول، قطر گوشت میوه، وزن میوه و عملکرد تازه از نظر آماری معنی دار (در سطح 5 درصد) بود. در شوری 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر عملکرد تازه سمسوری ورامین، تیل سبز مشهد و مگسی نیشابور نسبت به شوری 2 دسی زیمنس بر متر به ترتیب 7/32، 6/45 و 80 درصد کاهش یافت. با افزایش شوری از 2 به 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر راندمان مصرف آب در سه توده سمسوری ورامین، تیل سبز مشهد و مگسی نیشابور به ترتیب 6/32، 48/45 و 7/80 درصد کاهش یافت. تیمار شوری 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر نسبت به تیمار شاهد، درصد مواد جامد محلول میوه را در توده مگسی نیشابور، تیل سبز مشهد و سمسوری به ترتیب 8/5، 75/1 و 5/1 برابر افزایش داد. با توجه به افت عملکرد هر سه توده آزمایش شده در این پژوهش، استفاده از آب با شوری 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر نمی تواند برای کشت این محصول در منطقه مناسب باشد.کلید واژگان: عملکرد تازه, مواد جامد محلول میوه, وزن میوهIntroductionCucumis melo L. is one of the most important horticultural products in Iran. According to some reports from the third millennium BC, it has been under cultivation in. High nutritional value and high vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron have made it to be a valuable fruit. According to the environmental conditions and cultivar, melon flowering began 30-60 days after planting and 30-70 days after pollination, the product can be harvested. Immature melon is tasteless and towards maturity, its sweetness increases. From the economic point of view, the minimum acceptable sweetness of melon's cultivars is 9% in terms of the total amount of fruit-soluble solids, but according to the vendors, this number should be 11% or more. The arid and semi-arid regions of the world are the main habitat for such products as melon and salinity stress as an integral part of these areas is an important factor for decreasing yield. The effect of salinity stress in melon's reproductive stage is somewhat more complex than other products, because some reports indicated a significant decrease in yield, number of fruit and weight of melon fruits in salinities greater than 2 dS m-1 and even some researchers determine the threshold of tolerance of 1 dS m-1. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of two salinity treatments on yield and yield components of three melon cultivars in Varamin province.Materials and MethodsThis research was carried out in 2013 using split plot design in a randomized complete block design with three replications in Varamin Agricultural Center located in 45 km Southeast East of Tehran (35 ° 35 ', 19', 51 ', 39') 1000 meters above sea level. Prior to the experiment, the first step was to prepare the soil including deep plowing and disc. The main plots consisted of irrigation water salinity treatments at 8 dS m-1 (prepared from the Ishraq area) and 2 dS m-1 (prepared from the Khaveh station). The subplots consisted of 3 Cantaloupe masses, including Semsoori Varamin, Green Tile of Mashhad and Magasie Neishabur. The soil of the place-tested sandy loam and the amounts of organic matter (in percent), acidity and salinity (in dS m-1) were 0.95, 7.5 and 2.1 respectively. Based on the soil test, 100 kg ha-1 phosphorus (triple superphosphate) and 150 kg ha-1 potassium (as potassium sulfate) and 150 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer (urea before and after flowering) were added to the ground the experiment. The cultivation date was selected May 5th. The length and diameter of the flesh with the ruler and the percentage of fruit-soluble solids were measured using a refractometer based on 10 fruits, and then the mean of the obtained numbers was taken as the final value. Before harvest, the average number of fruits per plant and average fruit weight were measured and recorded based on the performance of sub plots and the middle lines of each plot. All soil and vegetation tests were carried out in the laboratory of the Soil and Water Research Department of Varamin Agricultural Research Center. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software and the meanings were compared with Duncan's method (5%).Results and DiscussionThe effect of interaction of salinity and genotype on the length of the fruit (at 1% level) and on the traits of seed cavity thickness, percentage of soluble solids, fruit meal diameter, fruit weight and fresh yield (at 5% level) were statistically significant. In salinity 8 dS m-1 compared to 2 dS m-1, the fresh yield of Semsuri Varamin, Green Tile of Mashhad and Magase Neishabur decreased by 32.7, 45.6 and 80%, respectively. Salinity stress can increase the percentage of non-marketable fruits by reducing the weight of fruits, and it is reported in salinity of 8 dS m-1, which is a 56% decrease in marketable yield. The highest reduction in fruit weight and number of fruits per plant were related to the two mass of Magase Neishabur (average weight 540 g) and Green Tile of Mashhad (average number of 1.23 fruit per plant), respectively. Similarly, in a research with a salinity increase of 2.41 dS m-1 to 12.6 dS m-1, yields dropped from 37 t ha-1 to 28 t ha-1, mainly due to the reduction in the number of fruits. The length of fruits in three populations of Semsuri Varamin, Green Tile of Mashhad and Magase Neishabur in the salinity of 8 dS m-1 compared to 2 dS m-1 decreased by 25, 30 and 45%, respectively. Increasing salinity from 3 to 5 dS m-1 caused a significant decrease in fruit length in products such as cucumber (equivalent to 25%). Increasing the percentage of fruit solids in salinity of 8 dS m-1compared to 2 dS m-1 treatment, was 5.8, 1.75 and 1.5 times, respectively, in the Magase Neishabur, Green Tile of Mashhad and Semsuri masses. In a study in which the effect of different treatments on salinity was investigated on the percentage of soluble fruit solids, increasing salinity from 2 to 8 dS m-1 increased the percentage of soluble solids from 7.6 to 10.5 percent.
Keywords: Fruit soluble solids, Fresh yield, Fruit weight -
این مطالعه به منظور بررسی روند تغییرات عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد ده توده/رقم اسفناج، پژوهشی به مدت 2 سال (1394- 1393) با استفاده از طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در استان اصفهان انجام شد. مقایسه میانگین صفات عملکرد، طول برگ، طول دمبرگ و ارتفاع (در سطح احتمال 1 درصد) و تعداد برگ و مقدار نیترات (در سطح احتمال 5 درصد) از نظر آماری معنی دار بود. توده بذر خاردار ورامین با عملکرد 49/53 تن در هکتار محصول تازه، بیشترین مقدار عملکرد را به خود اختصاص داد. دامنه تغییرات ارتفاع بوته از 24 سانتی متر در توده ساری تا 33/30 سانتی متر در توده نجف آباد متفاوت بود. توده اردستان با 67/10 برگ کمترین تعداد برگ در بین توده ها/ ارقام مطالعه شده را داشت. طول دمبرگ در بین ارقام/ توده ها ی آزمایش شده دامنه ای از 84/9 تا 33/18 سانتی متر داشت. توده برگ پهن ورامین به ترتیب با مقادیر نیترات پهنک و دمبرگ معادل 231 و 462 قسمت در میلیون، کمترین و رقم آلمانی به ترتیب با نیترات پهنک و دمبرگ معادل 583 و 1182 قسمت در میلیون بیشترین مقادیر نیترات را به خود اختصاص دادند. با توجه به نتایج بدست آمده در این پژوهش از میان توده های آزمایش شده توده های بذر خاردار ورامین، برگ پهن ورامین، ساری و نجف آباد از جمله توده هایی هستند که می توانند عملکردی مشابه رقم برگ پهن آلمانی تولید نموده و برای تولید اسفناج در استان اصفهان مورد استفاده قرار گیرند.کلید واژگان: ارتفاع بوته, پهنک برگ, دمبرگIntroductionSpinach (Spinaciaoleracea L.) is considered as a green leaf with fresh and canned consumption, a significant source for vitamin C, vitamin A, carotenoids, flavonoids, folic acid, calcium and magnesium.According to statistics, 4479 hectares of Iran agricultural land were devoted to spinachand the average yield per hectare is equal to 42.18(FAO, 2014).Different regions of Iran havegenetic diversity of the spinach landraceand cultivation of this plant relieson the use of the landraces.Among the different spinach landraces, a landracescalled seed barbed (Spiny), has a significantimportancebecause of some desirable characteristics.Thisstudy was conductedfor comparison of five spinach landracein Isfahan, showedthat spiny seed Varamin with 47.8 tons per hectare fresh yield allocated the highest yield.The number and size of leaves and side branches are the most important components of plant yield.Due to the fact that about 70 percent of total dietary nitrate intake per person per day will be provided through the leafy vegetables,considering the amount of accumulated nitrate in spinach is very important.To evaluate the yield and yield components of eight Iranian spinachlandrace, and two varieties of leafy American and German experiment was conducted for two years.Materials And MethodsThis research was performedfor two years, in Kabootarabad Agricultural Research Station of Isfahan to evaluate the yield and yield components of eight Iranian spinachlandraces(Varamin prickly seed, Sari, Ghaemshahr, Babul, Kashan, Najaf Abad, Varamin 88 andArdestān), and two American and German leafy cultivars. Randomized complete block design with three replications was usedfor each year and the results were reported based on two-year combined data analysis. In full leaf development stage and before the harvest of each plot, 10 plants randomly were selected and measured attributes: number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width and length of the petiole. In order to assess yield, after removing two distance of half a meter from each side, two central rows of plants per plot (surface equivalent to two square meters) were analyzed. Nitrate content of samples wasanalyzed using ion analyzer. Data statistical analysiswas performed using SAS software and means were compared by Duncans multiple rangetest at 5% probability level.
Result andDiscussionsYield, leaf length, petiole length and height (at 1% statistical probability level) and number of leaves and nitrate content (at 5% statistical probability level) were statistically significant. Spiny seed Varamin with 53.49 t ha-1 fresh yield, produced to the highest yield. In other research according to the environmental conditions and variety, spinach fresh yield have been reported from 18.6 to 44.8 t ha-1. It looks different mass spinach; produce the highest yield in specific geographic environments. In a similar study that was conducted underIsfahan weather conditions, spiny seed Varaminlandraceproduced 47 830 kg ha-1 fresh yield. Range in plant height was from 24 cm to 30.33 cm in Najaf Abad, and Sari landraces, respectively. When spinach was encountered with optimal climate conditions, achieved the maximum height that led toa positive impact on fresh yield. Ardestānlandrace produced the lowest number of leaves (10.67)among the landraces/varieties had been studied. In a similar study of 29 spinach genotypes the leaf number were varied from 12 to 23. Petiole length range between varieties/landraces was from 9.84 to 18.33 cm. Although the petiole length, is a desired trait for mechanized harvesting, but in case of improper management of nitrogen fertilizer can be considered as an undesirable trait. Leafy Varaminlandracewith 231 and 462 ppm nitrate in blade and petiole, respectively, had the lowest and German cultivar with 583 and 1182 ppm nitrate in blade and petiole, respectively, had the highest nitrate accumulation. Despite the differences between the varieties/landraces,the contentof nitrate in petioles was greater than the leaf blade (about 1.6 times) in spinach. Higher concentrations of petiole nitrate compared to the blade considered in many research, and in caseof poor management fornitrogen fertilizers, it may increase up to6 times. In any case, leafy cultivars such as German have been modified for mechanized cultivation and have long petiole with nitrate content. That's why their petioles are separated in the industrialprocessing. It is better fresh petioles of spinach isolated or sufficiently boiled to reduce nitrate levels. According to the results obtained in this study among the examined populations of spiny seed Varaminlandraces, leafy Varamin, Najaf Abad, and Sari can produce yields similar toGerman variety and so are suitable for the production of spinach in Isfahan province.Keywords: Leaf blade, Petiole, Plant height -
زمینه و هدفطولانی شدن اقامت بیماران در بیمارستان منجر به تحمیل هزینه های قابل توجهی بر فرد و سیستم درمانی جامعه می گردد. این مطالعه به منظور تعیین کاربرد مدل رگرسیون پواسن با صفرهای انباشته چند سطحی در شناسایی عوامل مرتبط با تعداد روزهای اضافه بستری بیماران تحت جراحی های ناحیه شکم انجام شد.روش بررسیدر این مطالعه توصیفی – تحلیلی 485 پرونده بیماران بستری از پنج بیمارستان دولتی و خصوصی شهر شیراز به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس ارزیابی شدند. از مدل رگرسیون پواسن با صفرهای انباشته چند سطحی به منظور بررسی عوامل خطر مرتبط با تعداد روزهای اضافی بستری استفاده شد. به منظور برآورد پارامترهای مدل، روش ماکزیمم درستنمایی و برای ارزیابی مدل، شاخص های نیکویی برازش AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) و BIC (Bayes Information Criterion) به کار برده شد.یافته ها81.2% از بیماران تعداد روز اضافه بستری نداشتند. نتایج مدل نشان داد متغیرهای سن، تنفس، سرطان، تزریق خون، داشتن تب بالا، مصرف سیگار و مواد مخدر اثر معنی داری بر تعداد روزهای اضافه بستری نداشتند. در مقابل متغیرهای جنسیت زن، داشتن بیماری کلیوی، سابقه جراحی و ابتلا به عارضه ایلئوس سبب افزایش تعداد روزهای اضافه بستری بیماران گردید (P<0.05). همچنین جراحی لاپاراسکوپی کیسه صفرا و بیرون آوردن غده پروستات شانس اضافه بستری را به ترتیب 4.64 برابر و 9 برابر افزایش داد (P<0.05).نتیجه گیریجنسیت زن، داشتن بیماری کلیوی، سابقه جراحی، انجام عمل جراحی لاپاراسکوپی کیسه صفرا، انجام عمل جراحی بیرون آوردن غده پروستات و ابتلا به عارضه ایلئوس به عنوان متغیرهای افزایش دهنده تعداد روزهای اضافه بستری بیماران بودند.کلید واژگان: مدل رگرسیون پواسن چند سطحی, جراحی ناحیه شکم, اضافه بستریBackground And ObjectiveProlonged hospitalization lead to considerable financial burden for patients as well as health care system. This study aimed to identifying important factors resulting in excess hospitalization days in patients undergoing abdominal surgeries using the multilevel zero-inflated Poisson regression model.MethodsIn this descriptive - analytic study, 485 patients from five teaching and private hospitals in Shiraz (southern Iran) were selected based on convince sampling method. Multilevel zero-inflated Poisson regression model was used to determine the risk factors of excess hospitalization day. Maximum likelihood method was used to estimate parameters of the model. Moreover, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayes Information Criterion (BIC) indices were applied to assess the goodness of fit of the model.ResultsThe primary analysis of data showed that 81.2% of the patients did not undergo excess hospitalization days. Based on findings, age, respiration rate, blood infusion, fever, smoking and drug abuse did not affect excess hospitalization days. In contrast, gender, renal diseases, operation history, laparoscopic gallbladder removal, prostate surgery and ileus significantly led to excess hospitalization days (PConclusionGeder, renal diseases, operation history, laparoscopic gallbladder removal, prostate surgery and ileus significantly led to excess hospitalization days.Keywords: Multilevel Poisson regression, Abdominal surgery, Excess hospitalization day
به منظور بررسی تاریخ کاشت های مختلف بر عملکرد، اجزای عملکرد و تجمع نیترات در اسفناج، پژوهشی دو ساله (1394-1393) در مرکز تحقیقات و آموزش کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی استان اصفهان انجام شد. بر اساس نتایج تجزیه مرکب داده ها تاثیر سال بر صفات آزمایشی معنی دار نبود و تاریخ کاشت 15 شهریور (571GDD=) با عملکرد 43 تن در هکتار بهترین تاریخ کاشت اسفناج تشخیص داده شد. با تاخیر تاریخ کاشت از 15 شهریور تا اول آبان علاوه بر کاهش معنی دار عملکرد، مقدار تجمع نیترات در گیاه به طور خطی افزایش یافت. مقادیر تجمع نیترات در تاریخ کاشت های 15 شهریور (571GDD=)، اول مهر (354GDD=)، 15 مهر (193GDD=) و اول آبان (84GDD=) به ترتیب برابر بود با 2675، 2898، 3189 و 3571 قسمت در میلیون وزن تر. در تاریخ کاشت های مختلف، تجمع نیترات در دمبرگ دامنه ای از 3513 تا 4680 قسمت در میلیون وزن تر و در پهنک برگ دامنه ای از 2135 تا 3125 قسمت در میلیون وزن تر داشت. با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش رعایت نکردن تاریخ کاشت مناسب نه تنها عملکرد اسفناج را کاهش خواهد داد بلکه با افزایش تجمع نیترات (بیش از 2500 قسمت در میلیون وزن تر) باعث مخاطرا تی برای مصرف کنندگان خواهد شد.کلید واژگان: ارتفاع بوته, تعداد برگ, درجه-روز- رشد (Growth Degree Day=GDD), دمبرگIntroductionThe fresh, steamed and boiled spinach were used because of antioxidant compounds that have great biological value. This plant is usually rich in nitrates that can play an important role in reducing heart attacks. Each year, more than 30% of the area under cultivation leafy vegetables in Iran, was allocated to spinach. Spinach growing in both spring and autumn or summer, has poor quality due to stem production. Higher spinach yield have been reported in autumn cultivation (compared to spring or winter planting). The nitrogen-rich lands, little light condition, excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers and plants during the growing season short cause some plants like spinach, are faced with the problem of nitrate accumulation. The accumulation of nitrate in vegetables will be different depending on the species and genetic differences.Materials And MethodsThis research was conducted for two years in Kabootarabad Agricultural Research Station of Isfahan in order to determine the most suitable planting prickly seed spinach. Each year, of experiment was based on randomized complete block design with four replications and the results were reported based on two-year combined data analysis. Five planting dates at intervals of 15 days from the beginning of September had been adjusted. Prickly seed spinach was prepared from Seed and Plant Improvement Institute. In full leaf development stage and before the harvest of each plot, 10 plants randomly were selected and measured attributes including number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width and length of the petiole. In order to assess yield, two central rows of plants per plot (surface equivalent to two square meters) were analyzed after removing two distance of half a meter from each side. Nitrate samples were analyzed using ion analyzer. Statistical analyses of the data, correlated traits were performed using SAS software and comparisons of means using LSD at 5%.
Result andDiscussionAccording to the results, year had no significant effect on traits. 5 September sowing date, GDD=571 was diagnosed as the best spinach planting date yielding 43 tons per hectare. Delayed planting date of 5 September to 22 October showed significant yield reduction and the amount of nitrate accumulation in plants also increased linearly. Number of leaves can be changed as one of the main factors influencing the performance of spinach according to cultivar and environmental conditions and in some studies they were ranged from 12 to 23. Amounts of nitrate accumulation in spinach were 2675, 2898, 3189 and 3571 ppm of fresh weight in different planting date of 5 September (571 GDD), 22 September (354 GDD), 6 October (193 GDD) and 22 October (84 GDD), respectively. The different sowing date, petiole nitrate accumulation varied from 3513 to 4680 ppm. Nitrate accumulation was ranged from 2135 to 3125 ppm wet weight in leaf blade. Different planting dates can influence on the length of day and intensity of light and thus can affect the amount of nitrate in plant. After planting date of August 22, temperature and radiation also reduced, and therefore it is natural that reduce the activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase and be more prepared conditions for nitrate accumulation. According to the World Health Organization, the uptake of nitrate and nitrite per kg of body weight daily allowance, equal to 0.06 and 0- 7.3 mg has been reported. The quality of light received by the plant also had an effect on nitrate accumulation, and red light compared to blue light has a greater role in stimulating the enzyme nitrate reductase activity and thus is more effective in reducing nitrate accumulation.ConclusionClimatic conditions affect the quantity and quality of vegetative organs. The results of this study showed that unsuitable spinach planting date will reduce not only yield, but also increases the concentration of nitrate (over 2500 ppm of fresh weight) and it may causes risks for consumers.Keywords: Plant height, Leaf number, Growth degree days (GDD), Petiole -
به منظور بررسی روند تغییرات عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد دوازده ژنوتیپ ریحان، پژوهشی در سال 1393 با استفاده از طرح بلوک کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در دو استان اصفهان و مازندران انجام شد. ژنوتیپ های استفاده شده در این پژوهش از نظر عملکرد، ارتفاع بوته، تعداد برگ و تعداد ساقه فرعی با یکدیگر تفاوت معنی دار داشتند. عملکرد توده های قائم شهر، نکا، بهشهر، مبارکه و اردستان به ترتیب در دو استان اصفهان و مازندران برابر (1/17 و 8/30)، (5/ 13 و 8/33)، بهشهر (9/12 و 3/29)، مبارکه (6/13 و 32) و اردستان (3/15 و 9/32) تن در هکتار بود که به طور معنی دار بیش از سایر ژنوتیپ ها بود. در منطقه اصفهان ارتفاع بوته دامنه ای از 67/19 (توده اردستان) تا 00/28 (بهشهر) سانتیمتر داشت، در حالی که این دامنه برای منطقه مازندران برابر 7/29 (فرح آباد) تا 7/41 (دستگرد) سانتیمتر بود. تعداد شاخه فرعی در تمام ژنوتیپ ها در منطقه اصفهان 5/1 تا 2 برابر بیش از منطقه مازندران بود. ژنوتیپ بهشهر بیشترین تعداد برگ در این پژوهش را تولید نمود (3/73 عدد در بوته). در هر دو منطقه و برای تمامی ژنوتیپ ها عملکرد چین دوم حداکثر و عملکرد چین های اول و چهارم حداقل بود. با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش ویژگی های مورفولوژیک و عملکردی ژنوتیپ های ریحان به شدت تحت تاثیر شرایط محیطی قرار گرفته ولی ژنوتیپ هایی مثل قائم شهر، نکا، بهشهر، مبارکه و اردستان پایداری عملکرد مناسبی در شرایط محیطی مختلف نشان دادند.کلید واژگان: ارتفاع بوته, چین, شاخه فرعیIntroductionBasil(Ocimumbasilicum L.)is a diploid plant with48chromosomes. Basil isthe aromatic annual herbofthe Lamiaceae familyofleafy vegetablesandhas mentionedand originated inIndiaandIran. Basilhasiron, calcium, magnesium, potassiumandvitamins Aand B. More than 60 varietiesof basilhave been identifiedthathavegreenleavesandredto purple.The performance of15varietiesof basilin Mazandaran province were studied, genotypescollected fromSari(darkgreen) withthe23.63 tha-1(fresh weight) had thehighestyield. In comparison, 38the massbasil, withtwocultivars(Opal andKashkanyLulu), localpopulationsofmanyof the traits(e.g.,length and width ofleavesandfresh and dry weight) showed superiority than cultivars. Incomparing the performance of38varietiesof basilinItaly, drymatter yieldper hectarerangedfrom1812 to6165kg ha-1thatthis wasmore attributestobegenetic aspects. Landraces ofbasilhavevaluabletraitssuch asdrought resistance, saltresistance, resistancetodisease, resistancetocoldandheat. In order to achieveoptimalpopulationpurple basil with high-performance inIsfahan andMazandaran, the present studywas conducted usingsomeof the populationinthese two provinces.Materials And MethodsThe number of populations of purple basil wasstudied toselect superior genotypes according to the yield and adaptation to climatic conditions in two provinces at Agricultural Research Station Gharahil of Mazandaran and Kabootarabad of Isfahan. The experiment was conducted as a randomized complete block design with three replications with seeds collected from two areas of the province (a total of 12 varieties of basil) during one year. Land preparationwas consisted ofplowanddiscperpendicular to each other(for crushinghunk) and thenlevelingandplotsofland. Inprovinces, nitrogen, phosphorusandpotassiumfertilizerwas used based on soiltest.In this experiment,harvest time was4st. for every two region. Duringthe growing seasonweed controlwascarried outmechanically.
Result andDiscussionsIn both areas, the yield and plant height (at 5% statistical probability level) and the number of leaves per plant (at 1% statistical probability level) were statisticallysignificant. In Isfahan area, Ghaemshahr red basil mass yield was 17.1 t ha-1, but the yield of this mass were not significantly different with Farah Abad, Bahnamiri, Dastgerd, Mobarake, Ardestan and Dorche. The yield of Mazandaran 1,Mazandaran 2 and Najaf Abad masses were 11.61, 11.02, and 11.10, respectively, that had the lowest performance among the masses. In Mazandaran region, in most cases, the yields of all 12 purple basil mass were twotimes or more than doubles in the Isfahan region. The yield of Mazandaran 2 mass was the lowest in Isfahan region, but had high performance (29.6 t ha-1) in Mazandaran region. In both regions, Ghaemshahr, Neka, Behshahr, Mobarakeh and Ardestān purple basil masses had the highest yield. In Isfahan, plant height rangedfrom19.67(Ardestan) to28.00cm, while thisrange in Mazandaran region was 29.7to41.7cm. In a studyin Turkey,a highest height for purple basil without water limitation was38.6cm. Basil plant height has a positive and significant correlation with performance and in addition to genetic factors, environmental characteristics, in particular the amount of moisture available to plants can also have a significant impact on plant height. Among all12 genotypes tested, the number of leaves were 53 (Dastgerd) to 73.7 (Behshahr), and the number of leaves rangedfrom 48.3 (Behshahr) to 78.3 (Mazandaran 1)in Mazandaran. Usually the soil areas withhigh fluctuations in moisture and air (comparison Isfahan with Mazandaran), leaves hada smaller number and leaf area. The number of branches of genotypes was from 12.6 to 16.3in Isfahan region and in the Mazandaran region was from 6.3 to 9.3. Reduce the number of branches in Mazandaran (1.5 to 2 times less) related to radiation exposure in the area and its difference with radiation in Isfahan.Usually the weather of Isfahanis sunnyanddirect sunlightwhereas the weather of Mazandaran region iscloudy. In both regions, the greatest contribution performance harvest was in second and third harvest, respectively (although yields were higherin Mazandaran region). The lower yield at first harvest can attributed with opportunity when it is necessary for plant establishment. The fourth harvest yield loss can be two reasons, one terminate of plant growth and aging, and other high temperature at this time. Although basil is a plant that originated from warm zones, but increased plant maintenance respiration can occur at high temperatures is an issue that should be considered.Keywords: Branches, Harvest, Plant height -
به منظور بررسی مقدماتی ویژگی های زراعی و مورفولوژیک 107 توده اسفناج ایرانی (100 توده موجود در بانک ژن و 7 توده دیگر)، پژوهشی در ایستگاه تحقیقات کشاورزی کبوتر آباد اصفهان طی سال های 1391و 1392 انجام شد. در سال اول پژوهش بر اساس ویژگی های برگ (رنگ، چروکیدگی، طول و عرض)، درصد بوته های نر و ویژگی های بذر، 25 توده از میان توده ها انتخاب شدند. در سال دوم آزمایش، 25 توده انتخابی با استفاده از طرح آماری بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار از نظر ویژگی های عملکرد تازه، عملکرد ماده خشک، طول وعرض برگ، تعداد برگ و مقدار نیترات مقایسه شدند. 35 درصد از توده های اسفناج استفاده شده در این پژوهش دارای رنگ برگ کاملا سبز بودند و درصد بوته های نر از 32 درصد تا 60 درصد در توده های مختلف نوسان داشت. بیشترین مقدار عملکرد تازه برگ را رقم ورامین 88 با مقدار 59/32 تن در هکتار تولید نمود. سه توده TN-69-153، TN-69-140 و Varamin- prickly از نظر عملکرد تازه و عملکرد ماده خشک جزو توده های برتر تشخیص داده شدند. سه توده TN-69-58، TN-69-101 و TN-69-70 کمترین مقادیر نیترات را داشتند. نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد در میان 107 توده مطالعه شده، ویژگی های متنوع و مفید فراوانی از قبیل عملکرد بالا و مقدار نیترات پایین قابل تشخیص و جداسازی است و از این ویژگی ها می توان در زمینه های اصلاحی و زراعی استفاده کرد.کلید واژگان: دمبرگ, عملکرد, ماده خشک, نیتراتIntroductionSpinach is one of the most important leafy vegetables, rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C and B-carotene, and it is likely to be Iran's origin. More than 30 percent of the area under cultivation of in Iran leafy vegetables, allocated to spinach plant. Spinach is a cool season crop and its cultivation is done inthe fall and in early spring. Various regions of Iran, has the vast genetic diversity in relation to the mass of spinach. In a study to evaluate the yield and agronomic traits spinach 121 mass Iran, the masses were divided into six clusters that each cluster has specific morphological and agronomic traits. Leafy vegetables, especially spinach are the main sources of nitrate absorption and about 70 percent of total dietary nitrate intake per person per day is provided by leafy vegetables.
Material andMethodsTo study the preliminary agronomic and morphological traits and nitrate amounts of 100 Iranian spinach mass are available in GenBank, an investigation was carried out in Agriculture and Education Center Research in Esfahan for two years (2013-2014) by using of five mass dominant cultivars, and two control landrace (Varamin 88 and Varamin prickly seed). The aim of the first year of the study was the primary isolation of superior landraces based on agronomic traits of spinach. At the end of the first year of growth, seed traits, including the type (smooth-prick), the width of the blade, leaf color, wrinkling of leaf area, leaf thickness, the petiole (standing, half-standing and sleeping), petiole length, shape of leaf, the shape of the leaf tip, bolting during plant growth and the number of male and female were determined. A total of 25 landraces selected in the first year of study were compared in the second year using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Studied traits were: yield, dry matter yield, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, and petiole length and nitrate levels. Statistical analyses of the data, correlated traits were performed using SAS software and comparisons of means calculated by using LSD at 5%.
Result andDiscussionThe results showed that 21.5% of the populations used in this study had the petiole with a standing (vertical) position and 25.2% of them had a long petiole. Length of the petiole and hoisted were considered desirable trait for mechanized harvesting. However, varieties have high nitrate concentrations, or in cases where the management of nitrogen fertilizers does not do well, longer tail leaves are an undesirable trait because the accumulation of nitrate in the tail leaves is more than leaf spinach. 35.5% of spinach leaves landrace used in this study were green color. Leaf color in leafy vegetables is very important. Leaf length, have a range of 11 cm in the Kashan, up to 18 cm in mass TN-69-101 (collected from Lorestan). In this study the agronomic characteristics of the mass of the spinach, length of leaf blade mass in Kashan, Shahreza and Najaf Abad, were 15.50, 11.50, and 9.50 cm, respectively, and all three populations were significantly different in this respect. A significant positive correlation was observed between leaf length and leaf width (0.7 **). The highest of fresh yield was 32.59 t ha-1 and produced by Varamin 88 that with six masses (TN-69-73, Varamin- prickly, TN-69- 74, TN-69-153, TN-69-140, TN-69-58) did not differ statistically. Three populations of TN 69-153, TN-69-140 and Varamin- prickly (advanced masses prickly Varamin) both in terms of fresh and dry matter yield were superior. The (TN-69-78) mass with 17 leaves, the highest, and (TN-69-22) mass with 11/33 leaves, the lowest number of leaves produced among the different masses. Leaf blade width in the mass TN 69-31, was equal to 12/38 cm and with the eleven other populations had a significantly blade width more than other the masses. In terms of nitrate in shoots, TN-69-153 population with 1708 mg of nitrate per kg of dry matter had the highest amount of nitrate.ConclusionThe results of this study showed that considering the diversity traits among different populations of spinach in various parts of the Iran can be provide suitable potential for agronomic and breeding purposes. The masses after selection and purification can be available to farmers and producers.Keywords: Dry matter, Nitrate, Petiole, Yield -
در مناطق خشک و نیمه خشک، مقابله با تنش شوری و اثرات مضر آن ضروری به نظر می رسد. به منظور بررسی تاثیر محلول پاشی پتاسیم بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد اسفناج در شرایط تنش شوری، پژوهشی در سال 1391 با استفاده از آزمایش کرت های خرد شده و طرح پایه ی بلوک های کامل تصادفی با چهار تکرار در ایستگاه تحقیقات کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی استان اصفهان انجام شد. شوری آب آبیاری در سه سطح شاهد (2 دسی زیمنس بر متر)، آب چاه (4 دسی زیمنس بر متر) و آب چاه (8 دسی زیمنس بر متر) به عنوان کرت های اصلی و دو سطح استفاده از کود پتاسیم شامل شاهد و محلول پاشی اکسید پتاسیم محلول در آب ( 5/2 میلی لیتر در هر لیتر) به عنوان کرت های فرعی بودند. نتایج نشان داد عملکرد تیمار محلول پاشی پتاسیم و شوری 4 دسی زیمنس بر متر معادل 35300 کیلوگرم در هکتار بود که با تیمار شاهد تفاوت معنی داری نداشت. افت عملکرد در تیمار محلول پاشی پتاسیم و شوری 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر و همچنین تیمار شوری 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر و بدون محلول پاشی پتاسیم به ترتیب برابر با 2/20 و 38 درصد بود. تعداد بوته در متر مربع در سه تیمار شوری 2، 4 و 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر به ترتیب 40، 1/38 و 1/29 بوته در متر مربع بود. محلول پاشی پتاسیم در شوری 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر، درصد ماده خشک برگ را 7/12 درصد بهبود بخشید. با توجه به نتایج بدست آمده، در شرایط تنش شوری، محلول پاشی پتاسیم می تواند به عنوان یک عامل تعدیل کننده شوری مورد استفاده قرار گیرد.کلید واژگان: تعدیل کننده شوری, درصد ماده خشک, سدیم, طول برگ, عرض برگIntroductionSpinach is an important leafy vegetable in the cold season, and despite the fact that is considered as low-calorie food source contains significant amount of minerals such as iron, and vitamin A and C. According to the University of Utah 3.8 dS m-1 is salinity tolerance threshold for the spinach and yield decrease that have been reported by 10%, 25% and 50% at 5.5, 7 and 8 dS m-1 salinity. The necessity to supply adequate potassium has been demonstrated in salinity conditions. In salt stress conditions, foliar application of K in spinach, reduces the harmful effects of salt and increase the ratio of potassium to sodium (1.61 to 2.72). Foliar application of K with prevent of potassium transfer from root to shoot is causing continuation of photosynthesis and reduce the effects of salinity. Absorption of potassium from the leaves depends on the type of used compound. In this context, characteristics of plant (leaves with a waxy composition, duration of growth and leaf area) are important. 100 kg ha-1 of potassium in salt stress conditions by reducing the absorption of sodium, increased salt tolerance on the sunflower.Materials And MethodsIn order to evaluate the foliar application of K on the yield and yield components of spinach in salt stress condition, a study was conducted in 2012 by using split plot randomized based on complete block design with four replications at Isfahan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Station. Three levels of irrigation water salinity consisted of a control (2 dS m-1), well water with salinity (4 dS m-1) and well water with salinity (8dS m-1) arranged in main plots and two levels of control and foliar applications of potassium fertilizer containing potassium oxide solubility in water (2.5 ml per liter) arranged in subplots. Statistical analysis was conducted by using SAS software and statistical tests were compared with Duncan at 5 percent.
Result andDiscussionsThe results showed that the yield of spinach with foliar application of K and 4 dS m-1 salinity was equaled 35300 kg ha-1 which had not significantly different from control treatment. Foliar application of K and 8 dS m-1 salinity, and also 8 dS m-1 salinity and without foliar potassium, had 20.2 and 38% yield reduction, respectively. In salinity 2.1, 4 and 8 dS m-1 plants m-2 were 40, 38.1 and 29.1, respectively. Leaf dry matter percent was improved with foliar application of K in 8 dS m-1 salinity. Effect of potassium, as modulators of salt in spinach, by researches of Shannon and Greve (24) and Kaya et al (14) have also been emphasized. Spinach leaves number was from 11.4 to 16.7 in different treatments. Foliar application of K in 4 and 8 dS m-1 salt treatment was increase in the number of leaves. This increased in treatment of 4 and 8 dS m-1 was 15.3 and 28.9 percent, respectively. In both saline treatments of 4 and 8 dS m-1, leaf length was positively affected by the application of potassium but in salinity 4 dS m-1 (unlike the eight salinity dS m-1) leaf width was not affected by the potassium spraying. The ability of plants to maintain intracellular potassium to sodium ratio leaves in certain extent is necessary for a salt tolerance. In fact, the application of potassium in salinity conditions by increasing the concentration of the K in organs is a kind of acclimation to the salt stress and activates repair mechanisms of the damage against of stress agent. The length of tail leaves in 4 dS m-1 salt was not significantly affected by the spraying of potassium while in 8 dS m-1 salinity, spraying potassium led to an increase of 28 percent in length of leaf tail. The effect of K application on the dry matter content in the 8 dS m-1 salinity was statistically significant. Potassium is the most abundant cation-forming in many plants (typically more than 10% of dry weight) and less than 10 grams per kg-1 of dry weight appear deficiency symptoms in most plants.ConclusionAccording to the results, in salinity conditions, the foliar application of K can be used as a factor to reduce the harmful effects of salinity. While the lack of fresh water for irrigation in arid and semi-arid crops has become a challenge, attention to the moderated mechanisms of the harmful effects of salt, is one of the approaches to face the challenges ahead.Keywords: Dry matter percentage, Length of blade, Modulators of salt, Sodium, Leaf width -
خربزه به دلیل مصرف داخلی و پتانسیل قابل توجه برای صادرات از اهمیت زیادی در کشاورزی ایران برخوردار می باشد. به منظور مقایسه ویژگی های زراعی هفت جمعیت گزینش شده (جلالی، تاشکندی، جاجو، خاقانی، شادگانی، قصری و سوسکی) و سه رقم هیبرید (آناناسی، دورانگو و اکیلا) خربزه، مطالعه ای در دو سال زراعی 88 - 1387 در ایستگاه تحقیقات کشاورزی کبوترآباد اصفهان با استفاده از طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار انجام شد. تفاوت عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد جمعیت های استفاده شده در این آزمایش از نظر آماری معنی دار بود. جمعیت گزینش شده جلالی و هیبرید دورانگو به ترتیب با عملکرد 45810 و 13000 کیلوگرم در هکتار، بیشترین و کمترین مقادیر عملکرد میوه را تولید نمودند. دامنه تغییرات وزن و تعداد میوه در بین ژنوتیپ های مختلف به ترتیب 900/1 - 850/0 کیلوگرم و 84/1 - 2/1 میوه در هر بوته بود. بالاترین همبستگی مثبت و معنی دار (**96/0) بین وزن میوه ها و عملکرد میوه مشاهده شد. از نظر شاخص زودرسی، هیبرید دورانگو با تولید 32 درصد از عملکرد در چین اول، نسبت به سایر ژنوتیپ ها برتری معنی دار داشت. از نظر کیفی، توده گزینش شده تاشکندی و هیبرید اکیلا به ترتیب با درصد مواد جامد محلول در میوه 2/12 و 65/5 درصد، بیشترین و کمترین مقادیر را به خود اختصاص دادند. با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش، از نظر صفات کمی و کیفی، توده گزینش شده جلالی در رتبه اول و توده های گزینش شده شادگانی، قصری، سوسکی و جاجو در رتبه دوم، می توانند در برنامه های به نژادی و به زراعی مورد توجه قرار گیرند.کلید واژگان: توده, خربزه, زودرسی, وزن میوه, همبستگیMelons due to domestic consumptions and high potential for export are very important in Iranian agriculture. In order to compare the agronomic characteristics of seven selected populations (Jalali, Tashkent, JaJu, Khaghani, Shadgany, Ghasri, Suski) and three hybrid varieties (Ananase, Durango, Akyla) of melon, this study was conducted for two years (2008- 2009) using a randomized complete block design field experiment with three replications. Difference between yield and yield components of populations were statistically significant. Jalali selected population and Durango hybrid, with 45810 and 13000 kg ha-1 of fruit yield produced the greatest and smallest fruit yield, respectively. Fruit weight and fruit number per plant in different populations were 0.850 to 1.900 kg, and 1.2 and 1.84 number plant-1, respectively. The highest significant correlation (0.96**) was observed between fruit weight and fruit yield. Durango hybrid, with producing 32% of the yield in first harvest, was significantly superior to other genotypes in terms of earliness index. Selected population of Tashkent and Akyla hybrid with fruit total soluble solids of 12.2 and 5.65 percent indicated the highest and lowest qualities, respectively. According to the results, Jalali selected landrace was in the first rank and Shadgany, Ghasri, Suski and Jaju were in the second place and can be considered in breeding and agronomic programs.Keywords: Correlation, Earliness, Fruit weight, Landrace, Melon
به منظور ارزیابی تاثیر کاربرد خاک پوش پلاستیکی تیره و شفاف بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد خربزه در شرایط تنش شوری، پژوهشی با استفاده از طرح کرت های خرد شده در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با سه تکرار در منطقه ورامین انجام شد. سه کیفیت آب آبیاری 2، 5 و 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر به عنوان فاکتور اصلی و سه تیمار خاک پوش پلاستیکی (بدون خاک پوش، خاک پوش شفاف و خاک پوش تیره) به عنوان فاکتور فرعی در نظر گرفته شدند. نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد برهمکنش تاثیر تیمار شوری و استفاده از خاک پوش بر صفات عملکرد میوه، تعداد میوه در هر بوته، متوسط وزن میوه، طول میوه، تعداد روز تا اولین برداشت و درصد مواد جامد محلول در میوه از نظر آماری معنی دار بود. در سطوح شوری های 2، 5 و 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر عملکرد میوه در خاک پوش شفاف نسبت به تیمار شاهد به ترتیب 6/19، 59 و 4/45 درصد افزایش داشت. در تیمارهای مشابه شوری، این اعداد برای خاک پوش تیره به ترتیب برابر بود با 7/15، 9/41 و 4/21 درصد. سطوح شوری 2، 5 و 8 دسی زیمنس بر متر و استفاده از خاک پوش شفاف به ترتیب با عملکرد چین اول 44/7، 72/7 و 98/6 تن در هکتار به طور معنی دار مقادیر عملکرد بیشتری نسبت به تیمارهای بدون خاک پوش و خاک پوش تیره تولید نمودند. راندمان مصرف آب در حالت استفاده از خاک پوش شفاف و تیره نسبت به تیمار شاهد، به ترتیب 3/17 و 4/13 درصد افزایش داشت. با توجه به نتایج، استفاده از خاک پوش های پلاستیکی در شرایط شوری آب آبیاری می تواند اثرات مضر تنش شوری را کاهش دهد.کلید واژگان: درصد مواد جامد محلول, راندمان مصرف آب, رطوبتIntroductionThe term of Mulch, is the German word (Molsh) means the soft, however, not soft, and made of plant debris or synthetic substances. Many positive effects attributed to the use of plastic mulch such as adjusting the temperature in the root environment, conserve moisture, reduce weeds, increase root growth, reduce soil erosion, and soil condensation and improve germination and early plant establishment. The use of mulch can reduce the harmful effects of salt in plants.Materials And MethodsTo evaluate the effects of black and clear polyethylene mulch on yield and yield components of melon in salinity stress condition, a study was conducted in 2011 using split plot randomized based on complete block design with three replications in Varamin region. Three salinity levels of irrigation water of 2, 5 and 8 dS-1 as main factor and three plastic mulch treatments (no mulch, clear mulch and black mulch) were considered as sub-plots. At harvest and after determining the yield and number of fruits harvested from each plot, the average number of fruits per plant was measured and fruit pulp thickness was recorded with calipers.
ResultsDiscussionThe results showed interactive effects of salinity and mulch on fruit yield, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight, fruit length, days to first harvest and fruit soluble solids percentage were statistically significant. In salinity levels of 2, 5 and 8 dS m-1, fruit yield increased, respectively, 19.6, 59, and 45.4 %in clear mulch compared to control. Similarly these increases for the black mulch were equal to 15.7, 41.9, and 21.4 percent, respectively. With 2, 5 and 8 dS m-1 salinity levels, fruit yield in the first harvest were 7.44, 7.72, and 6.98 t ha -1, respectively, which was significantly higher than without mulch and black mulch. Mulch can reduce evaporation and increase the level of moisture in the soil and thereby dilute the salt and reduce the harmful effects of salinity. Some researchers believe that increase in crop yield by using plastic mulch than plant debris mulch is due to the simultaneous increase in moisture and soil temperature. Effect of plastic mulch on soil temperature and crop yield depends on the color and usually transparent plastic are more effective in this regard than black polyethylene mulch. In terms of rising temperatures in the microclimate around the plant roots, transparent mulches are more effective than dark mulches. Unlike dark mulch, clear mulch have minimal absorption of light, approximately 85 to 95 percent .The inner surface of clear mulch is covered with water that the short wave passes and outgoing long wave radiation is absorbed from the soil and thus prevent heat loss. Water use efficiency with use of clear and dark mulches in compared to control treatment was increased by 17.3 and 13.4 %, respectively. Under salinity conditions, plastic mulches can reduce the harmful effects of salinity. Water use efficiency in salinity 2, 5 and 8 dS m-1, respectively, were 12.6, 7.6 and 3.1 kg m-3.Research results indicated that when water use efficiency based on the economic performance expression (e.g. present study) reduced water use efficiency but when water use efficiency expressed based on the total dry weight, water use efficiency is independent of salt concentration and the amount of water use efficiency is the function of plant and plant yield.ConclusionFor using salty water, which may be unavoidable for many agricultural areas, use of mulch (especially transparent mulch) can have a significant role in increasing yield and more efficient utilization of water. From a practical perspective, in areas where irrigation water quality has declined due to reducing the level of the underground water table, the indiscriminate use of water resources and similar cases and use of these resources will lead to a gradual increase in soil salinity, application of mulch with the impact on the soil water content prevent of crop yield loss and cause earliness product.Keywords: Moisture, Total Soluble solids, Water use efficiency -
این مطالعه به مدت دو سال در ایستگاه تحقیقات کشاورزی ورامین به منظور بررسی تاثیر سه عمق مختلف فارو و سه فاصله کشت روی ردیف بر بهره وری آب آبیاری، عملکرد و اجزاء عملکرد هندوانه (رقم کریمسون سوئیت) انجام شد. از طرح کرت های نواری (استریپ پلات) در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با 3 تکرار برای انجام پژوهش استفاده شد. سه تیمار عمق فاروها (15، 35 و 55 سانتی متر) به عنوان عامل افقی و سه تیمار فاصله کاشت روی ردیف (25، 50 و 75 سانتی متر)، به عنوان عامل عمودی در نظر گرفته شد. عمق فارو 15 سانتی متر نسبت به عمق های 35 و 55 سانتی متر به ترتیب 27 و 43 درصد کاهش عملکرد داشت، اما بین دو عمق فارو 35 و 55 سانتی متر از این نظر تفاوت معنی داری مشاهده نگردید. کاهش عملکرد در فاروهایی با عمق 15 سانتی متر عمدتا به دلیل کاهش تعداد میوه در هر بوته بود و وزن میوه ها تفاوت معنی داری نداشت. برخلاف روند مشاهده شده برای عملکرد، شاخص بهره وری آب آبیاری در فاروهای با عمق 15 سانتی متر به طور معنی دار نسبت به دو عمق 35 و 55 سانتی متر بیشتر بود. در فاصله بوته 75 سانتی متر (4500 بوته در هکتار) عملکرد نسبت به دو فاصله 25 و 50 سانتی متر به ترتیب 21 و 23 درصد کاهش یافت. بین فواصل مختلف کاشت بوته بر روی ردیف از نظر بهره وری آب آبیاری، تفاوت معنی داری مشاهده نشد. نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد با آب مصرف شده برای کشت یک هکتار هندوانه با فاروهایی به عمق 35 و 55 سانتی متر به ترتیب می توان 2 و 75/2 هکتار کشت هندوانه با عمق فارو 15 سانتی متر انجام داد.کلید واژگان: هندوانه, غلظت کل مواد جامد محلول در میوه (TSS), رقم, فاصله ردیفیA two-year study was conducted to determine the effect of three depths of furrow and three plant row spacing, on irrigation water efficiency, yield and yield components of watermelon (Crimson Sweet cultivar) using a strip split plot arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Three depths of furrow (15, 35 and 55 cm) were considered as horizontal factor and three plant row spacing (25, 50 and 75 cm), were considered as vertical factor. Yield losses of 27 and 43 percent were observed in furrows with the depth of 15 cm, compared to 35 and 55 cm depths, respectively, but there was no significant difference between the furrows with 35 and 55 cm depth. Reduction in the number of fruits per plant was the main cause of yield loss in the 15 cm-deep furrows. Unlike the trend observed for fruit yield, efficiency of irrigation water at furrow with a depth of 15 cm was significantly greater compared with the two furrow depths of 35 and 55 cm. Fruit yield in 75 cm (4500 plant ha-1) row spacing was 21 and 23 percent lower, than the 50 and 25 cm intervals, respectively. The efficiency of irrigation water was no significantly different in various distances between the rows.Keywords: Watermelon, Total Soluble Solids, Cultivar, Row spacing
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