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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه "education" در نشریات گروه "پزشکی"

  • Lida Jarahi, Seyed Masoud Hosseini *, Sadaf Shamshirgaran, Mehri Yavari
    A significant gap exists between patient-centered health policies and medical graduates’ practice. Medical education is not restricted to the formal curriculum. The hidden curriculum has a powerful effect on students’ learning and behavior. This study measured the patient-centeredness of the hidden curriculum in Mashhad Medical School. 
    The participants were medical students at Mashhad Medical School who were about to graduate. The sample size was determined 100 students based on the Morgan table and selected in a convenient method. The validated Persian version of the Haidet instrument with three content areas of “role modeling, student’s experiences and support for students’ patient-centered actions” was used to evaluate the patient-centeredness of the hidden curriculum. Descriptive indexes and Independent samples T-Test were used for analysis.
    The mean±SD score of patient-centeredness of the hidden curriculum was 54.9±9.4, slightly more than half of the total questionnaire score. The area of "support for students' patient-centered actions" received a higher mean±SD score (62.1±16.5) compared to role modeling (53.9±12.3) and student experiences (53.6±9.4). Additionally, medical students emphasized the professor's role in acquiring patient-centered care.
    Despite the formal education for patient-centeredness, students learn mainly from the practical environment and their educators’ behaviors. There was a relative dissonance between the formal and implicit curriculum regarding patient-centeredness associated with the medical student. The medical students’ experiences regarding patient-centered manners and giving encouraging feedback are two chief points for improving patient-centeredness.
    Keywords: Curriculum, Education, Patient-Centered Care, Physicians, Schools, Medical, Universities
  • Vahid Yousofvand, Nayereh Falahan*, Amir Sadeghi, Naser Kamyari, Behrad Sadeghi
    Background & Objective

    Professional socialization can improve nursing students' performance and learning. In their final year, nursing students will likely attain professional socialization through adequate social support. Thus, the purpose of this study was to look at how final-year nursing students' professional socialization was impacted by their perceptions of social support.

    Material & Methods

    In 2022, this cross-sectional correlational study was conducted in Hamadan, Iran, at the Hamadan School of Nursing and Midwifery. The study involved 128 final-year nursing students in total. Toit's professional socialization questionnaire, Zimet's perceived social support questionnaire, and demographic information forms were the data gathering instruments used in this study.


    A relationship was discovered (r = 0.237, p < 0.001) between the professional socialization of nursing final-year students and their social support. The family dimension was identified as the most influential predictor of professional socialization among final-year nursing students within the social support variable (p < 0.001, β = 0.447). Furthermore, various factors had significant negative predictive effects on the socialization of final-year nursing students. The study found that several factors were associated with certain career choices. Choosing a mandatory field and family pressure (p < 0.001, β = -0.278), picking a field based mainly on earnings (p = 0.017, β = -0.209), the mother's occupation as a homemaker (p = 0.009, β = -0.220), and the father's work in the private sector (p = 0.037, β = -0.175) were among these factors.


    These findings highlight the critical role that family-related factors play in influencing how nursing students socialize professionally, which is important information for nursing education and support programs.

    Keywords: Social Support, Professional Role, Socialization, Students, Nursing, Education
  • Maedeh Karimian, Shahabedin Rahmatizadeh, Zeinab Kohzadi, Zahra Kohzadi, Firoozeh Madadi, Ali Dabbagh

    Residency is a critical period in the development of medical professionals. It provides hands-on training and exposure to various medical specialties, enabling residents to improve their skills and achieve expertise in their chosen field.


    This study aimed to extract frequent patterns in annual and board examination performance among anesthesiology residents by analyzing results from the department's weekly exams.


    This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine (DACCPM) from September 2022 to June 2023. Weekly intra-group exams were administered at the university's electronic exam center for residents in their first to fourth years (CA-1 to CA-4), with a total of 61 participants. Learner grades were categorized as excellent (A), good (B), average (C), poor (D), and inferior (E). The Apriori algorithm was employed to extract frequently repeated patterns in these exams and compare them with results from the final national examination.


    A total of 24 exams were conducted, with all 61 residents participating. The most frequent patterns, identified with a minimum support of 0.41, revealed that residents generally achieved average scores in exam 7 and very poor scores in exams 1 and 5. The study found a statistically significant relationship between residents’ scores in in-training examinations (ITEs) and their national examination performance.


    Analyzing residents’ exam performance using frequent pattern recognition can help identify their strengths and weaknesses. Faculty members can utilize these insights to better plan curricula and enhance the quality of education.

    Keywords: Educational Measurement, Artificial Intelligence, Anesthesiology, Internship, Residency, Apriori Algorithm, Data Mining, Education, Medical
  • Davood Oudi, Ali Mohammad Sadeghi, Saeid Mohtasham, Raheleh Rajabi, Hassan Eslami Aliabadi *

    Angiography is one of the prominent methods for diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease. Some patients who are candidates for angiography experience great anxiety.


    The present study was conducted with aim to compare the effect of virtual reality (distraction) and educational video on patients’ anxiety before coronary angiography.


    This randomized clinical trial study was conducted on patients who were candidates for coronary angiography in Heart Center of Razi Hospital in Birjand city of Iran, from April to October 2023. By permuted block randomization, 90 patients were randomly divided into two intervention groups and one control group. Before the angiography, the intervention groups were once exposed to virtual reality VR (distraction) and educational video. Data were collected before and after the intervention.


    there was no significant difference among the three groups in the gender distribution (p=0.897) and mean age (p=0.205). The distraction group experienced lower levels of overt and covert anxiety compared to the control group (p<0.001) and educational video group (p=0.007). In addition, the anxiety score of the participants in the distraction group significantly decreased after the intervention compared to before the intervention (p<0.001).

    Implications for Practice: 

    The implementation of VR as a distraction approach had an effect on reducing preoperative anxiety in angiography candidate patients. VR can be used as a non-pharmacological approach in angiography departments to reduce patients' anxiety.

    Keywords: Anxiety, Coronary Artery Diseases, Distraction, Education, Virtual Reality
  • Mohammad H Yarmohammadian, Faezeh Akbari, Asal Sadat Niaraees Zavare, Fatemeh Rezaei*

    This study aimed to develop an educational program to address the basic educational needs of community-based health organizations (CBHOs) or non-government organizations (NGOs) in Iran involved in disaster management.

    Materials and Methods

    This qualitative study was conducted in two phases: a) Identifying the basic educational needs of CBHOs/NGOs before participating in disaster management through interviews with 25 key informants from Isfahan, Iran, and b) Validating the components by conducting focus group discussions with key informants and designing the educational program.


    We extracted two main themes (goals): 1) Recognizing the conceptual foundations of CBHOs/NGOs with three categories (objectives) of “role and social status”, “structures”, and “practical approaches”, and 2) Attention to social determinants of health (SDH) with nine categories of “culture of safety”, “social responsibility”, “social cohesion”, “addiction prevention plans”, “women’s needs”, “mental health”, “ethical standards”, “ morale improvement”, and “communication skills”. The educational program was elaborated by specifying the syllabuses, educational strategies/teaching methods, target groups, duration, and budget for each objective. 


    The educational program can be used to increase CBHOs/NGOs’ skills and knowledge, help them coordinate their actions, and adapt their responses to the diverse needs and preferences of the community.

    Keywords: Education, Community Participation, Voluntary Health Agencies, Disasters
  • Marjan Kevenjan, Fatemeh Vizeshfar *, Ladan Zarshenas
    Support for breastfeeding by female nursing students has a beneficial impact during the exclusive breastfeeding. This study was conducted to compare the effect of distance and face-to-face breastfeeding education on female nursing students’ knowledge.
    This is a quasi-experimental study conducted on 138 female nursing students in their third to eighth semesters at nursing and midwifery school in Shiraz. One hundred and thirty eight students were selected using convenient sampling and divided equally into two experimental groups (face-to-face education with 46 participants and distance education with 46 participants) and one control group (46 participants). Sampling started at the beginning of May 2023 and ended at the end of October 2023. The experimental groups (Groups A and B received face-to-face training and distance education, respectively) received the educational program in three 45-minute sessions over three weeks. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire and a knowledge questionnaire regarding breastfeeding nutrition at three stages: before, immediately after, and one month after the intervention. The data were entered into SPSS 22 software and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
    There was a statistically significant difference in the two interventional groups compared to the control group regarding the mean score of breastfeeding knowledge immediately (P=0.049) and one month (P<0.001) after the intervention.
    Distance breastfeeding education led to more increase in nursing students’ knowledge one month after the intervention, compared to the face-to-face training. It could provide a suitable method for improving the knowledge of health professionals regarding breastfeeding.
    Keywords: Breastfeeding, Distance Education, Education, Knowledge, Nursing Student
  • Maedeh Tourdeh, Ali Fakhr-Movahedi, Abbasali Ebrahimian *
    Using an effective method to enhance nurses’ knowledge of ECG interpretation is one of the most essential requirements for nursing managers. Self-directed learning approaches can help to introduce lifelong learning in learners, especially in clinical settings. This study purposed to detect the effect of the implementation of the clinical teammate nurse program on the critical care nurses’ knowledge of ECG interpretation on cardiac arrhythmia. 
    A pilot study was performed by a quasi-experimental design with a nonequivalent control group. The participants were 32 critical care nurses divided into two groups: the clinical teammate nurse program and control groups. The data were collected by a knowledge assessment questionnaire that measured nurses’ knowledge of ECG interpretation of cardiac arrhythmia. The nurses’ knowledge was measured three times: initial study, one month, and six months later.
    The mean and standard deviation of age of participants was 32.38±7.03 years. There was a significant difference between three scores of repeated measurement of nurses’ knowledge (p<0.001), as the nurses’ knowledge one month after the study was significantly higher than in the initial test six months later. Also, pairwise comparisons showed that nurses in the clinical teammate program had higher knowledge scores than the control group (p<0.001). 
    The clinical teammate nurse program can be used as an easy and economical way to improve nurses’ knowledge in interpreting ECG. This method can also be an excellent alternative to formal and traditional methods such as lecturing programs in continuing education programs.
    Keywords: Clinical Competence, Control Groups, Education, Con-Tinuing, Electrocardiography, Humans, Pilot Projects, Research Design, Surveys, Questionnaires
    The quality of nursing education depends on the availability of faculty members with great professional knowledge and clinical work experience. Thus, novice faculty may face challenges in providing quality education. The aim of this study was to explore the experience of transition to a faculty role among a sample of Iranian nursing faculty.
    This qualitative study was conducted in 2022. A total of fifteen faculty members of the nursing and midwifery schools participated in this study. Participants were recruited through purposeful sampling. Data were collected through semistructured interviews and analyzed through Graneheim and Lundman’s conventional content analysis approach.
    704 primary codes were generated and grouped into 35 subcategories, nine main categories, and three main themes, namely unpreparedness for the faculty role, abandonment in anon-empathetic workplace, and a road to resilience.
    Nursing faculty members with limited work experience are unprepared for the transition to faculty roles, receive limited support at work, and rely on personal resources and support networks to facilitate their transition to the faculty role. Further studies are needed to assess the effects of preparation and support programs on the transition to faculty roles among the faculty members with no previous clinical work experience.
    Keywords: Education, Graduate, Faculty, Nursing, Qualitative Research

    The electronic exam is one of the foremost imperative instruments for evaluating students’ execution. Accordingly, this study aimed to identify the advantages and challenges of electronic exams based on Iranian and international studies.


    The present qualitative study used meta-synthesis in the first phase. Thus, keywords such as electronic exams, online exams, electronic assessment, and online assessment in Iranianand international databases for 2005-2021 were searched. In the second phase, using the Shannon entropy technique, the advantages and challenges of electronic exams were weighted.


    Challenges of e-exams were classified into seven subcategories (poor technical knowledge, security challenges, complexity and challenges in designing examination, complexityand challenges during examination, complexity and challenges after examination, lack of infrastructure, socio-cultural challenges). The advantages of e-exams were also classified into five sub-categories, including improvement of teaching and learning process, effectiveness of student performance assessment, advantages in designing exams, advantages during examinations, and advantages after examinations. In Shannon’s entropy findings, challenges (complexity and challenges after examination and poor infrastructure) and advantages (advantage after exams implementation) had the largest weight.


    Considering the importance of electronic exams, especially with the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the inevitable movement of university systems, increasing concerns about student performance assessment, and improving educational performance in the current situation, decision-makers are expected to emphasize the advantages of this kind of exam and address its challenges to help improve the student assessment mechanisms.

    Keywords: Exam, Assessment, Education, Evaluation, Qualitative Research
    The emergence of the Internet of Behaviors (IoB) has created new opportunities for influencing and guiding human decisionmaking. IoB refers to the collection, analysis, and application ofdata generated by individuals’ online activities, behaviors, and interactions. This concept integrates data from various sources, including social media, wearable devices, smartphones, andother digital platforms, to gain insights into human behavior patterns. This technology can profoundly affect various areas of our lives, such as healthcare, education, and transportation. Thispaper explores the transformative potential of IoB in educational businesses, where it enables personalized learning, real-time feedback, and improved student retention. By analyzing data onstudent engagement and performance, IoB supports differentiated instruction, enhances collaborative learning, and drives datadriven curriculum development. Additionally, IoB contributes to students’ health and safety through wearable technology and promotes smart, resource-efficient classrooms. However, the implementation of IoB in education poses significant challenges, including privacy concerns, technical complexities, and access disparities. The paper identifies key areas for future research, such as the integration of IoB with traditional pedagogical approaches, equitable access to IoB technologies, and development of ethical standards to safeguard student privacy. This commentary underscores IoB’s potential to revolutionize education while emphasizing the need for careful consideration of its challenges to ensure broad and equitable benefits.
    Keywords: Internet, Behavior, Learning, Education, Businesses
    Case-based learning (CBL) is widely used in medical education to bridge theory and practice, but traditional methods often struggle to sustain student engagement and promote critical thinking. To address these challenges, Case-Based Integrated Learning (CBIL) was developed as a novel approach combining immersive and interactive learning techniques. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of CBIL in enhancing engagement, critical thinking, and clinical reasoning among medical students, and explore faculty experiences regarding the pedagogy.
    An explanatory-sequential mixed-methods study was conducted in a private medical college in Pakistan. Quantitative data were collected through faculty (n=35) and student (n=122) evaluation surveys, and analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequencies, and percentages). Qualitative data from focused group discussions (FGD) with faculty were analyzed thematically. A committee of clinical faculty and medical educationists developedfour CBIL prototypes. Faculty from various clinical specialties were trained on CBIL concepts and lesson planning, and the prototypes were used to develop engaging cases for subsequent sessions. Participants included faculty from diverse disciplines and students intheir third and fourth years of medical school.
    The faculty considered the training very effective (overall satisfaction: 5.17±0.89 out of 6), with a vast majority being very satisfied with its relevance (86%, n=30) and structure (91%, n=32).Among students, 95% (n=116) were satisfied with the developed cases. Most of them were also satisfied with the clarity (92%, n=112) and applicability of the cases (96%, n=117). In FGD, facilitators expressed satisfaction with CBIL formats as it provided opportunities for engagement, in-depth analyses, and discussions.
    Interactive formats like CBIL can engage students by allowing opportunities for interaction, discussion, and peer-learning. This promotes improved understanding and critical thinking. Further exploration of the effectiveness and impacts on the learning of various interactive formats of case-based learning is essential.
    Keywords: Education, Undergraduate, Professional Education, Continuing Education, Clinical Clerkships
    Implementing “Competency-Based Medical education” in Indian medical colleges has necessitated reengineering by the stakeholders at the institutes. Changes in the curriculum are usually inundated with challenges. The present study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the CBME curriculum for Phase II medical undergraduates in our institute.
    This qualitative study involved faculty members from Pathology, Microbiology, and Pharmacology teaching Phase II medical undergraduates, who participated in three focus groupdiscussions (one per department) to discuss the strategies and challenges in curriculum implementation. A gap analysis followed, with individual in-depth interviews with the departmental heads to identify solutions for the challenges. A review meeting was held with the dean, curriculum committee members, and phase II faculty members to finalize the action plan.
    A total of 18 faculty members, predominantly females, in different age ranges (29 to 68 years) and teaching experiences (4 to 34 years) participated in this study. The faculty members have adopted various strategies for curriculum implementation such as preparing departmental planners, framing lesson plans, using interactive teaching-learning methods and e-learning, conducting self-directed learning sessions, ensuring alignment and integration, incorporating skill modules, ensuring student logbook maintenance, using appropriate assessment methods and implementing AETCOM modules. However, they faced challenges in implementing self-directed learning sessions, using e-learning platforms and recommended faculty development programs.
    Our study reveals that the paraclinical departments at our institute have taken appreciable steps in implementing the CBME curriculum for Phase II MBBS students, despite ongoing challenges. Addressing these challenges requires careful planning and evaluation, with faculty sensitization being crucial for smooth implementation. The key outcome of the study was establishing various subcommittees within the Curriculum Committee and Medical Education Unit to facilitate the implementation of various CBME components, supported by regular feedback mechanisms. Also, the action plan was shared with the Medical Education Unit to organize appropriate faculty development programs.
    Keywords: Competency-Based Education, Curriculum, Education, Program Evaluation, Undergraduates
  • علیرضا شعوری بیدگلی، پویا نعمت زاد خمسی*
    پاندمیکووید-19 موجب تغییرات اساسی در سطوح  گوناگون از جمله  سلامت و آموزش عالی شده است. در بسیاری از کشورهای جهان دانشگاه ها و موسسات آموزش عالی جهت تداوم امور آموزشی  خود با چالش هایی مواجه و جهت مدیریت این چالش ها از استراتژی های گوناگونی بهره بردند .هدف از مطالعه حاضر شناسایی این استراتژی ها است.
    روش کار
    مطالعه به صورت مروری با کلیدواژه های مدیریت ،  استراتژی ، آموزشی و کووید-19 ، Strategy ،  Management ،  education ،  Covid-19 ، درپایگاه های اطلاعاتیMagiran ، Irandoc ، SID ، PubMed ، Scopus ، Web of science ، ScienceDirectو Google Scholar در طی 6 سال اخیر جستجو شدند. پس از جستجوی پایگاه های اطلاعاتی نامبرده مطالعات براساس معیارهای ورود وارد پژوهش شدند سپس متن مقالات خوانده شد و چکیده ای متشکل از عنوان،سالانتشار،کشورموردمطالعه، نمونه های پژوهش و استراتژی آموزشی مورد استفاده تهیه گردید. برای بررسی کیفیت مقالات از دستورالعملPRISMA  که برای بررسی مطالعات مرور نظام منداست، استفاده گردید.
    در مجموع  استراتژی ها به صورت کلی شامل 4 حیطه منابع انسانی، تدریس، ایمنی بهداشتی و حمایت های مالی و روحی-روانی شناسایی و طبقه بندی شدند. استراتژی های حیطه منابع انسانی عموما حول محور چینش شیفت کاری کارکنان آموزشی و نحوه آن بوده است. استراتژی های تدریس اکثرا بر پایه آموزش از راه دور بوده اند. استراتژی های ایمنی بهداشتی متمرکز بر رعایت فاصله گذاری اجتماعی، ضدعفونی کردن اماکن آموزشی و غربالگری کارکنان و دانشجویان بوده و استراتژی های حیطه مالی و روحی-روانی عموما به صورت کاهش هزینه دانشجویان و کارکنان و مشاوره های روانشناختی بوده اند.
    نتیجه گیری
    آموزش عالی در ایران متناسب با جهان باید بر روی استفاده از آموزش های الکترونیکی و توسعه آن تمرکز و سرمایه گذاری نماید تا در صورت بروز بحران هایی مانند پاندمی کووید-19 بتواند آموزش عالی خود را مدیریت نماید.
    کلید واژگان: مدیریت, آموزشی, کووید19: مرور نظام مند
    Alireza Shouri Bidgoli, Pouya Nematzad Khamsi *
    The covid-19 pandemic caused fundamental changes at various levels, including the levels of health and higher education. In many countries of the world, universities and institutions of higher education face challenges to continue the educational affairs and educational management of their institutions, and they use various strategies to manage these challenges. The purpose of this study is to identify these strategies.Materials &
    A review study with the keywords: management, strategy, education, and covid-19, strategy management, education, covid-19, in Magiran, Irandoc, and SID, PubMed, Scopus, direct science and Google Scholar in the last 6 years. After searching the mentioned databases, the studies were included in the research based on the inclusion criteria, then the text of the articles was read and an abstract consisting of the title, year of publication, country under study, research samples and the educational strategy was prepared. To check the quality of the articles, the PRISMA guidelines were used for reviewing systematic review studies.
    In general, the strategies were identified and classified as including 4 areas of human resources, teaching, health safety, and financial and psychological support. Strategies in the field of human resources have generally been centered on the work shift arrangement of educational staff and its method. Teaching strategies have mostly been based on distance education. Health safety strategies are focused on social distancing, disinfecting educational facilities and screening employees and students, and financial and psychological strategies are generally in the form of reducing the cost of students and employees and psychological counseling.
    Higher education in Iran, in line with the world, should focus and invest on the use of electronic education and its development so that it can manage its higher education in the event of a crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
    Keywords: Management, Education, COVID-19, Systematic Review
  • Afsaneh Aein, Mahnaz Solhi, Ali Vashegani Farahani, Mohammad Aljasem, Farshid Alaeddini, Leila Janani, Negar Omidi, Mohammadhossein Tagdisi

     An effective approach to preventing cardiovascular issues is the use of mobile health applications to improve modifiable risk factors. This protocol for a randomized controlled trial aims to evaluate the development and effectiveness of an educational mobile app that employs an integrated change model to reduce risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) among individuals aged 20 to 69 years.


    This study will be a parallel, randomized, single-blind clinical trial utilizing the randomized block design involving 430 participants. The participants will be divided into a control group receiving standard clinical care and an intervention group receiving standard clinical care along with app-based education, over approximately 6 months.


    This application has been designed to enhance motivation, awareness, and positive habits to reduce risk factors in individuals at increased risk of ASCVD. Consequently, the results could improve cardiovascular health knowledge, manage biological risk factors, and modify cardiac behaviors through mobile applications. This research is expected to present a promising approach to utilizing mobile apps for managing cardiovascular health and contribute to the growing body of research on digital health interventions.

    Keywords: Atherosclerotic, Education, Mobile App, Cardiovascular Disease, Prevention, Risk Factor
  • Reza Moridi, Mahboobeh Khorsandi, Raheleh Soltani, Amir Almasi-Hashiani

    Chronic renal failure is a progressive and irreversible disease that significantly affects the quality of life in its final stage.


    This study was conducted to determine the effect of an educational program based on the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model on improving the quality of life and laboratory indicators of hemodialysis patients.


    This study is an educational intervention study. The research was conducted in the hemodialysis departments of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Boroujerdi hospitals in Boroujerd city. In this 2021 study, 80 hemodialysis patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into two groups: Intervention and control (40 people in each group). The educational content was taught face-to-face by the researcher in four sessions over four weeks, according to the initial needs assessment. Information and laboratory indicators were collected and analyzed based on a researcher-made questionnaire and the standard quality of life questionnaire for kidney patients, both before and one month after the intervention.


    The average age in the intervention and control groups was 56.55 ± 15.99 and 56.12 ± 15.99, respectively. The average quality of life score one month after the educational intervention was significantly higher in the intervention group than in the control group (P < 0.001). The constructs of awareness, attitude, and self-efficacy were significant predictors of behavioral factors. The average scores for awareness, attitude, self-efficacy, behavioral factors, and reinforcing factors one month after the educational intervention were higher in the intervention group than in the control group (P < 0.001). Additionally, the average laboratory indices of hemoglobin (P < 0.001) and hematocrit (P < 0.001) were higher in the intervention group than in the control group one month after the educational intervention. Fasting blood sugar (P < 0.005), sodium (P < 0.020), and cholesterol (P < 0.007) showed a significant decrease after the educational intervention compared to before the intervention.


    The results of this study showed that the implementation of an educational program based on the PRECEDE-PROCEED model can improve the quality of life and laboratory indicators in hemodialysis patients. These findings can be utilized by researchers to enhance the quality of life of hemodialysis patients.

    Keywords: Quality Of Life, Renal Dialysis, Education, Chronic Disease Indicators
  • زهره محمدزاده ننه کران، علی شاکر دولق*، علی خادمی، علیرضا شایگان نژاد
    زمینه و هدف

    این مطالعه با هدف تاثیرگذاری معنویت درما‏‏‏‏نی ا‏‏‏‏سلا‏‏‏‏می با‏‏‏‏ درما‏‏‏‏ن شنا‏‏‏‏ختی-‏‏ رفتا‏‏‏‏ری مبتنی بر آموزش ا‏‏‏‏یمن‏سازی در برا‏‏‏‏بر ا‏‏‏‏سترس (SIT) بر تحمل آشفتگی و حسا‏‏‏‏سیت ا‏‏‏‏ضطرا‏‏‏‏بی در بیماران مبتلا به سرطان معده انجام شد.

    روش کار

    ا‏‏‏‏ین پژوهش مطا‏‏‏‏لعه ا‏‏‏‏ی نیمه ا‏‏‏‏زما‏‏‏‏یشی بر ا‏‏‏‏سا‏‏‏‏س طرح پیش آزمون و پس آزمون با‏‏‏‏ گروه کنترل بود. جامعه پژوهش شامل بیماران مبتلا به سرطان معده شهرستان اردبیل در سال 1400- بیما‏‏‏‏رستا‏‏‏‏ن امام خمینی و مرکز شیمی درمانی شفا پرتو شهر اردبیل در مرحله شیمی درمانی- بودند. تعداد 60 نفر به صورت در دسترس انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی در سه گروه(دو گروه آزمایش و یک گروه کنترل) قرار گرفتند. ابزار سنجش در این پژوهش، پرسشنامه ی تحمل آشفتگی در سیمون و گاهر (2005) و پرسشنامه حساسیت اضطرابی فلوید و همکاران (2005) بود. که قبل از انجام مداخله گروهی و نیز در پایان جلسه دهم، در سه گروه مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. گروه آزمون اول در معرض معنویت درمانی اسلامی قرار گرفت و گروه آزمون دوم، درما‏‏‏‏ن شنا‏‏‏‏ختی-‏‏ رفتا‏‏‏‏ری مبتنی بر آموزش ا‏‏‏‏یمن‏سازی در برا‏‏‏‏بر ا‏‏‏‏سترس (SIT) را دریافت نمود و گروه کنترل هیچ درمان روانشناختی دریافت نکردند. جهت تحلیل داده ها از تحلیل کوواریانس استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج آزمونهای تحلیل کوواریانس چند متغیره نشان داد که معنویت درما‏‏‏‏نی ا‏‏‏‏سلا‏‏‏‏می و درما‏‏‏‏ن شنا‏‏‏‏ختی-‏‏ رفتا‏‏‏‏ری مبتنی بر آموزش ا‏‏‏‏یمن‏سازی در برا‏‏‏‏بر ا‏‏‏‏سترسSIT))، هر دو بر تحمل آشفتگی و حسا‏‏‏‏سیت ا‏‏‏‏ضطرا‏‏‏‏بی، اثربخشی معناداری نسبت به گروه کنترل دارند. ولی روش معنویت درما‏‏‏‏نی ا‏‏‏‏سلا‏‏‏‏می نسبت به گروه درما‏‏‏‏ن شنا‏‏‏‏ختی-‏‏رفتا‏‏‏‏ری مبتنی بر آموزش ‏ا‏‏‏‏یمن‏سازی در تحمل آشفتگی (940/445=F)  و حسا‏‏‏‏سیت ا‏‏‏‏ضطرا‏‏‏‏بی (502/65=F) اثر بخش تر است (01/0≤ P).

    نتیجه گیری

    به نظر می رسد مداخله معنویت درما‏‏‏‏نی ا‏‏‏‏سلا‏‏‏‏می با درمان شناختی رفتاری مبتنی بر ایمن سازی در برابر استرس با وجود تاکید بر افکار غیرمنطقی، جایگزین نمودن آنها با شناخت های کارآمد و تجهیز بیمار به گنجینه کاملی از مهارت ها، بدون ارائه معنا در زندگی، اثربخشی کمتری به نسبت درمان چندبعدی معنویت درمانی در کاهش افکار منفی دارد، اما در زمینه تاثیر بر هماهنگی روانی فیزیولوژیکی با درمان معنوی برابری می کند.

    کلید واژگان: معنویت درمانی اسلامی, درمان شناختی- رفتاری مبتنی بر آموزش ایمن سازی, تحمل آشفتگی, حساسیت اضطرابی, سرطان معده
    Zohre Mohammadzadeh Nanekaran, Ali Shaker Dolaq*, Ali Khademi, Alireza Shaygannejad
    Background and Objectives

    This study was conducted to assess the effects of Islamic spiritual therapy compared to cognitive-behavioral therapy based on stress inoculation training (SIT) on distress tolerance and anxiety sensitivity in patients with stomach cancer.


    This research was a quasi-experimental study based on a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The research population included patients with stomach cancer in Ardabil City, Iran in 2021. Sixty individuals were selected through convenience sampling and randomly divided into three groups (two experimental groups and one control group). The measurement tools were Simon and Gaher's distress tolerance scale and the Anxiety sensitivity index by Floyd et al., which were administered to all three groups before the group intervention and at the end of the tenth session. The first experimental group was exposed to Islamic spiritual therapy, the second test group received SIT and the control group did not receive any psychological treatment. Covariance analysis was used to analyze the data.


    The results of multivariate covariance analysis showed that the Islamic spirituality therapy and SIT had a significant effect on distress tolerance and anxiety sensitivity compared to the control group. However, Islamic spiritual therapy was more effective in improving distress tolerance (F=445.940) and reducing anxiety sensitivity (F=65.502) compared to the SIT group (P≤0.01).


    It appears that the combination of Islamic spiritual therapy with SIT, despite its emphasis on irrational thoughts, is less effective than Islamic spiritual therapy alone in reducing negative thoughts.

    Keywords: Spiritual Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Education, Anxiety, Stomach Cancer
  • Mahyar Rafiei, Zahra Ahmadifajr, Fakhriyeh Mazalzadeh


     Post-operative pain (POP) is one of the essential consequences of various surgeries in surgical patients, and various pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods should reduce it. Due to the side effects of medicinal methods, the use of non-medicinal methods has attracted the attention of nurses and health care workers nowadays. Considering this issue, the main goal of this study was to evaluate pre-operative education (POE) on the reduction of POP in surgical patients.

    Evidence Acquisition: 

    This narrative review evaluated previous research from 1990 to 2024. Accordingly, 184 studies were obtained in the first search stage through advanced search in national and international databases, including Web of Science, Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Scopus, PubMed, Magiran, and Google Scholar, Iran-Doc. Then, considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 22 studies were considered for the present review study.


    Based on the present review, most evaluated studies (approximately 64%) showed that POE positively and significantly affects POP. Previous studies have reported that various parameters play a role in the impact of POE on POP, including the type of surgery, the length of follow-up, the continuity of care, the method of providing training, the quality of the intervention, the patient's awareness of the pain measurement method, with or without the educator's interaction and empathy during education, and the presence or absence of patient anxiety during training.


    Considering the positive and significant effect of POE on POP, nurses and caregivers of patients who are candidates for surgery should use the appropriate educational content and educational methods to reduce POP in patients according to the type of surgery and other influencing variables. However, before that, the nurses themselves should get enough information about the different methods of POE so that they can convey the educational content to the patients with proper quality and efficiency.

    Keywords: Surgery, Pre-Operative, Education, Post-Operative, Pain Management, Surgical Candidate Patients
  • مهرو رضایی نژاد، فدیه حق اللهی، نسیم اشراقی، حسین غلامزاده، مرجان قائمی*، زینت قنبری
    زمینه و هدف

    با توجه به حساسیت بیماران در رشته زنان و زایمان و نیاز به بیشترین بازدهی علمی و عملی، بر آن شدیم که میزان رضایت دستیاران دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران را در رشته زنان و زایمان از برنامه آموزشی دستیاری بررسی کنیم.

    روش بررسی

    در این مطالعه مقطعی-توصیفی، دستیاران سال اول تا چهارم رشته زنان و زایمان دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران (77 دستیار) از چهار بیمارستان آموزشی و درمانی امام خمینی (ره)، شریعتی، محب یاس و آرش با رضایت آگاهانه و با رعایت اصول اخلاقی از فروردین تا مهر ماه سال1402 وارد مطالعه شدند. پرسشنامه محقق ساخته رضایت مندی از برنامه های آموزشی شامل 62 سوال آنلاین بود و با استفاده از ملاک بین یک تا پنج طبقه بندی شد. آمار توصیفی با استفاده از میانه و بازه تغییرات برای متغیر های پیوسته (تعداد جراحی و امتیاز رضایت هر بخش، امتیاز کل رضایت) و فراوانی و درصد برای متغیر های اسمی (کیفیت رضایت) بر اساس سه سطح مناسب و مطلوب، نسبتا مناسب و نامطلوب استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    رضایت از تعداد جراحی های انجام شده و کیفیت آموزشی درمانگاه ها، در بیمارستان امام خمینی بالاتر می باشد (007/0=P) دستیاران در دو بیمارستان امام خمینی و آرش از آموزش در دو بخش جراحی زنان و پلویک رضایت بالاتری داشتند (018/0P=، 036/0P=) برنامه کنفرانس و مورنینگ های آموزشی، در بیمارستان شریعتی میزان رضایت از این حیطه بالاتر گزارش شده است (047/0=P).

    نتیجه گیری

    رضایت دستیاران از وضعیت آموزشی درحیطه های مختلف، در 5/64% نمونه های بیمارستان امام خمینی در سطح مناسب و مطلوب، 60% در بیمارستان آرش در سطح نسبتا مناسب و 25% در محب یاس در سطح نامطلوب در نظر گرفته شد.

    کلید واژگان: آموزش, دستیاران, رضایت, زنان, مامایی
    Mahroo Rezaieenejad, Fedyeh Haghollahi, Nasim Eshraghi, Hossein Gholamzadeh, Marjan Ghaemi*, Zinat Ghanbari

    Given the significance of patient care in obstetrics and gynecology, we aimed to assess the satisfaction of Tehran University of Medical Sciences residents with their training program in this field.


    In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 77 obstetrics and gynecology residents from the first to fourth year at Tehran University of Medical Sciences participated with informed consent, adhering to ethical principles, from April to October 2023 across four teaching hospitals: Imam Khomeini, Shariati, Mohib Yas, and Arash.The researcher developed a questionnaire consisting of 62 online questions, including 15 demographic questions and 47 related to satisfaction. Most of the questions are statements with five response options: strongly agree, agree no opinion, disagree, and strongly disagree. Each criterion was assessed and classified on a scale from one to five. The assistants' satisfaction levels were assessed in various areas, yielding an overall score of 47-235. Scores above 70% indicate high satisfaction, 50-69% reflects average satisfaction, and below 50% signifies dissatisfaction. It's important to clarify that the areas include clinics, with specific focus on rotation shifts for assistants in gynecology, oncology, prenatal care, and infertility. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS software, Version 22. Descriptive statistics included the median and range for continuous variables (number of surgeries and satisfaction scores) and frequency and percentage for nominal variables (quality of satisfaction) across three defined levels of desirability: appropriate, relatively appropriate, and unfavorable.


    Satisfaction with the number of surgeries and educational quality at Imam Khomeini Hospital was higher than at other hospitals (P=0.07). Significant differences were noted in the gynecology and pelvic surgery departments, with residents at both Imam Khomeini and Arash hospitals reporting greater satisfaction in gynecology (P=0.018) and pelvic surgery (P=0.036). Additionally, regarding the conference program and educational mornings, Shariati Hospital reported a higher level of satisfaction in this area (P=0.47).


    The satisfaction scores in various areas indicate that 64.5% of assistants at Imam Khomeini Hospital rated their educational status as appropriate, while 60% at Arash Hospital rated it as relatively good, and 25% at Yas Hospital found it unfavorable.

    Keywords: Satisfaction, Education, Residents, Obstetrics, Gynecology
  • فتانه گودرزی، مجید براتی*

    با توجه به افزایش چشمگیر جمعیت سالمند در کشور و پیش بینی تداوم این روند، ضرورت توانمندسازی سالمندان برای استفاده هرچه بیشتر از فناوری های کمکی بیش از پیش احساس می شود. بررسی ها میزان بالایی از عدم استفاده از فناوری های کمکی در سالمندان را نشان می دهند. این در حالی است که فناوری های کمکی می توانند به طور قابل توجهی کیفیت زندگی سالمندان را ارتقا بخشیده، استقلال آن ها را حفظ کرده و هزینه های مراقبت را کاهش دهند؛ لذا، این خلاصه سیاستی با هدف ارائه راهکارهایی عملی برای توانمندسازی سالمندان در افزایش استفاده از فناوری های کمکی ارائه شده است.

    کلید واژگان: آموزش, توانبخشی, سالمند, وسایل خود- یاری
    Fataneh Goodarzi, Majid Barati*

    Considering the significant increase in the elderly population in the country and the prediction of the continuation of this trend, the necessity of empowering the elderly to use assistive technologies as much as possible is felt more than ever. Surveys show a high rate of non-use of assistive technologies among the elderly. Meanwhile, assistive technologies can significantly enhance the quality of life for the elderly, maintain their independence, and reduce care costs. Therefore, this policy brief aims to provide practical solutions for empowering the elderly to promote the use of assistive technologies.

    Keywords: Aged, Education, Rehabilitation, Self-Help Devices
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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